fund investment advice



I invested 7K with friends first (first active) six months ago and now the balance is 6,500 euro. The investment is a 5 year managed fund. Should I withdraw the money now before I lose any more money or will things pick up?
Why did you choose this investment in the first place?
What is your investment timeframe?
What charges apply (e.g. charges on the initial contribution, annual management fee, early encashment fees etc.)?
What fund(s) were you invested in?
Such an investment normally should be long term so panicking after 6 months is not a good idea.
50% is invested in a UK select property life fund and the other 50% in property (irish). This is a four year invesment. I invested in this as I have other money in fixed term deposit accounts and the return on offer with this investment seemed quite good. I understand that this is a medium to long term investment but as markets have dropped a lot recently, do people think that things will improve or are we entering into a "recession" period and therefore should I pull out before I lose even more money.
You haven't outlined the charges.
You are asking people to predict the future which is a futile exercise.
I would say that the value that you have been quoted is more to do with the allocation rate and early exit penalties that would be applied to the policy in year one.

Your original post states that it is a five year investment and you subsequently say four years. I think that you have an open-ended policy and that exit penalties apply for the first 5 or 6 years.

Have you received a 'Reasons Why' letter with your policy documentation? If yes, can you post why this policy was advised as being suitable for you?