Front Doors


Registered User
It's me again. Been trying to find any article about how much it costs to replace a front door. Most, afaik, prices are for composite front doors for standard sizes. I was looking to see if anyone here has had experience in replacing those wider doors. You'd see around Dublin and if you see on IG on the #thedoorsofdublin

- Are those wider doors similar in sizes albeit wider?
- Our front door we are replacing currently is a standard door with left, right, and top window panels. So, I was thinking if its possible to replace it with those wider doors.

Any inputs are really appreciated!
Front door costs vary a lot depending on size and what company/brand you go with. We reno'd last year & had to put in a new front door, a composite, triple glazed, 1 door in middle, 2 wider than normal glass panels each side. Ballpark was 3k. Was also quoted nearly 6k by another company who did our windows.

Mind if I ask who you used?
You may be surprised, but some would disagree with you on that. Not that it makes much difference
Yeah I thought there was... since most websites i've looked at, the pictures all look the same size while some had dropdown options of sizes.
Thanks for this! so far it's within our budget. However, if we wanted to lose the 2 glass panels on the side and have a wider door, it would be a higher price. Here I was hoping that there is some sort of another set of standard wide door size that I just didnt know the term for.