Fridge thermostat problems


Registered User
(I can't find the previous thread that sent me off on my quest. Appologies, moderators)
My fridge freezers hasn't been well. The freezer was too cold (couldn't eat icecream from it) and the fridge part was too warm - food going off. So having read a bit about fridges here, I went off and bought a thermostat in the shop in Nth Frederick St. Having been baffled by the assisstants talk of earth wire being in different place, I spoke to a friend who told me the thermostat is hidden inside the wall of the fridge behind the control knob. Am feeling I've bitten off more than I can chew, as I'd assumed it was somewhere accessible round the back of the fridge.
Has anyone done this? Is it simple? Can a total novice like me do it? Should I just give up now and get an electrician? I prostrate myself humbly and await the great advice of my fellow, but much more knowlegeable AAMers.
The location of the thermostat is going to vary between models. We had a problem with one fridge that was very simple to fix - the sensor end of the thermostat had slipped and it was just a case of moving it to the correct place. That was quite an old fridge, so it was probably a lot more simple inside.
Have you tried defosting the fridge/ freezer. If the freezer compartment is all frosted up it well affect the efficiency of the fridge anyway. also check that cooling coil (like radiator) at back of fridge is clean, vacuum it to remove dust. Aslo check door seals, they can crack/ perish allowing warm air to enter.........
your friend is right,thermostat is usually located behind the dial in the larder compartment of fridge. It is relatively easy to remove ,just don't force anything ,if it is a hotpoint it has a screw and two plastic clasps that secure the plastic covering over the thermostat. Good idea to check the rubber door seals also. also any chance of the light being left on in the fridge compartment, i.e maybe door not closing properly.?
I've been off to try the defrost suggestion as it had been a long time........ Anyway, put my garden thermometer into the fridge and the temperature is 12 degrees Celsius, whether the dial is at 1 or 5. Ambient temperature (at the moment) 22 degrees. Fridge light working fine - goes out when door half closed. Back of fridge cleaned. Door seals ok, I'm quite good about keeping them clean as hate the mildew-y look they get. No puddle of water in the resevoir at the back which I presume is to do with the self-defrosting fridge bit.

So it does look as if it's the thermostat. Did buy a replacement, but it looks huge. Anyway thank you all . I'll ask the wise ones here again if I can't get it in!