Freemasons - What is expected?

Yep, the female version is known as the Eastern Star I think, something like that anyway.

I wouldn't care less about being allowed to join, I actually think it might be nice to be rid of him every once in a while!!

Prior to the formation of female lodges Lady Elizabeth St. Ledger of Co. Cork is the only woman to be initiated into the Freemasons in the early 1700's.

She hid in a cupboard in order to eavesdrop on a meeting and was discovered,
she was held under lock and key for a number of days whilst the brethren decided whether to initiate her or kill her , they opted for initiation - quite lenient I would have thought !

First the apple and now this , amazing that 1 rib can do so much damage
Opus Dei. The military wing of the Legion of Mary.

Are they as good as the Swiss Guard? Did they serve their time in the French Foreign Legion first, or just stick barbed wire down their trousers?