Free Range or Organic Produce - Do you buy?

I don't neccessarily buy organic, some of the prices charges are ridculous. However I do get all my meat at the local butcher, the quality is way better and the prices less then at any of the big supermarkets, and it's local.

Likewise if people want to be environmentally friendly, buy what is in season
I don't neccessarily buy organic, some of the prices charges are ridculous. However I do get all my meat at the local butcher
Me too. Quality, choice and prices are usually better than supermarkets.
However I do get all my meat at the local butcher, the quality is way better and the prices less then at any of the big supermarkets, and it's local.

And, if you buy from the butchers you get far less packaging than you do buying supermarket meat, I absolutely abhor the amount of plastic containers you end up with if you buy meat in the supermarket.
I got quite irked in the local supermarket last September, when there was a big sign promoting organic apples for "Back to School" lunches - the apples were from New Zealand. At the same time of year perfectly good Irish apples are in season,
Fair Trade would be another aspect of, i suppose you'd call it ethical shopping. Some fair trade products would be quite reasonable, tesco have fair trade bananas and lidl have lovely fair trade orange juice. If it was a choice between spending the extra money on fair trade goods or free-range or organic I would go for the fair trade.
"..................... I find inorganic food very difficult to digest...........


Sorry to dig up an old thread.

Touring Dunnes Stores recently I noticed that they sell organic Sodium Chloride ( salt )

I'm still chuckling to myself
You know sometimes you can pay the same amount in a butchers as you can in a supermarket. I buy my veggies in a green grocer and all my meat comes from the local butchers. Eggs are again from the green grocer, always free range.

Those programs on tv horrify me!
Since I first posted that thread, I am now gone even worse.

I barely eat any meat at all and what I do is always Free Range/Organic and from the Butcher/Farm as opposed to Supermarket.

It is quite hard when you are trying eat out or eat a cheapo lunch (chicken from the local garage would be mad processed) or even a Chinese Take Away.

Am eating quite a lot of fish, am on a diet, so is helping.
People should be very careful about what they eat as there are so many dangerous chemicals doing the rounds. I think that the Organic Society is about to join the campaign against Dihydrogen Monoxide. I certainly have cut down my consumption of this little known, but widely used chemical.

Chemicals - Ughhhhhh!
Since this thread began I have got very concious about what I eat. I buy organic as much as possible and to be honest feel the better for it. My problem is Mrs. Oldtimer does not agree with my fad for organic and she buys non-organic. It has lead to disagreements and sometimes two different dinners on the table. Any way I can win her over?

offer her a choice between organic or synthetic diamonds?