Free Passports for over-65s !


Registered User
Saw ad in paper yesterday from Dept of Foreign Affairs

"Gratis Passports for over-65's"

(Why didn't they just say 'free' instead of 'gratis' ! Do they not really want people to know about this, or am I being over-cynical )

Anyway, the announcement is at...

[broken link removed]

I'm all for ANYTHING that gives a little back, but is the Minister really claiming that the life-long contribution of senior citizens is in any way respected or reflected in this announcement?

Saving them the sum total of €25 over 10 years. I'm sure the €2.50 a year will be cherished by those who receive it. Anyone who can afford to travel abroad can afford €25 for a passport, and anyone who can't afford to travel abroad isn't going to need one.

Now wait for the cost of passports for everyone else to increase to not just recoup this, but recoup even more. Does anyone know what negative news story this pointless announcement was intended to cover up?

Any chance we could get a few extra Gardai so that the senior citizens who can't travel to decent countries can at least feel safe in the one they're stuck in? No? Didn't think so.

I didn't think over-65's were able to get a ten-year passport - don't they have to renew every year or something? Or is it just that it's possible for them to just get a yearly one as is the case up until the time you're 18.
Janet, are you thinking about driving licences:-

This sort of positive thinking is so uplifting... :lol

George Orwell, 1984.

janet; passports for children under 3 are for 3 years (€15) for 3 to 17 are for 5 years (€25) and over 18 are for 10 years (€75) Senior citizens ( age not defined) is €25 for 10 years.
an post charge €7 for handling/posting/returning the passport within 10 working days, in effect 15 days from start to finish excluding bank holidays. I assume the government in their 'generosity' will pay an post this €7 but I wouldn't bet on it. At least the oldies will have proper id now to enter nite clubs and not fake id like most teenagers.
passports for over 65's are free from tomorrow. an post is charging the €7 for a single application and €10 for up to 4 family members. Government refused to pay this part of the service.