foreign nationals getting loans


Registered User
Just checking out some info for a mate from eastern europe

He has been living and workign full time in Dublin and Belfast for the past 5 or so years and has bank statemtns to prove this

would a person like this have a problem getting a bank loan say for e7k or would the banks be untrusting of them.

If they are unlikely to get a loan like this would money penny and places like that offer more hope?

many thanks paddy
yep he has been

although he moved from dublin to belfast and now works some of the week in Belfast and some in Dublin. I think he should be fine

thanks paddy
Last week a letter arrived for a tenant of the previous owner of my best friends house. It was a solicitors letter looking for the 12k back that she owed the nearest CU. This woman was the owner's last tenant and I think she skiddadled owing him back rent and left the house in a terrible state. (The friend got a bargain but the house was like a house that hand't been done up for 25 years despite it being only 2 years old). She was a lone parent so I assume she was only getting about 200 or so a month after her rent (she must have been getting it herself). If someobdy with such a low income and a tenant can manage to get a loan of this size, then I don't see why your friend shouldn't be able to.

yep i have seen this happen from a pervious tenant in a house that i used rent - we kept dropping back the letters to the CU and got friendly with the girl on the counter - she wanted to know how we knew the person and where she had gone etc - turned out she had found out she was pregnant and gone home without paying back the loan. Dunno how much it was for but thats not the point.
Iff12 how do you/your friend know that it was a solicitors letter and that she owed 12k to the local credit union?
I read in a paper a while back that one credit union lost thousands in loans to foreign nationals and if i recall there was going to be new safety procedures put in place! in this particular case some members took relatively small loans (€1,000-2,000) and paid them back quickly then took out larger loans (€5,000) and paid back in a very short space fo time. With their records in place they took out very large loans and were never heard of again!
Its not so much foreign nationals as private tenants in general that can be higher risk as they can move around a lot and can be more difficult to trace as a lot of tenants don't have telephones in their name etc. Foreign folks are more likely to live in rented accomodation so can be seen as a greater risk, but likewise anybody who isn't a home owner is higher risk - this is why they usually ask do you own your own home.

As for the letter, we have no compulsion in opening mail addressed to former residents of this house - my attitude is that if you haven't changed your address 8 months after you left the address you take the consequences of having other people receive your mail (for this reason I myself always redirect my mail after moving). If you leave your correspondents to send your mail to other peoples houses, you pretty much invite other people to read your mail. Especially if you leave an address and leave unpaid bills or debts in that address!

I think anyway, it would be far preferable than having a debt collector turn up on the doorstep in one years time and have no idea what it was about. We informed the CU of the situation and unfortunately since the lady in question didn't leave a forwarding address there is nothing anybody can do.