Food to die for ?


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I now only eat low fat cheese, milk and yogurts, and use a tinchy pinchy bit of butter on toast, or a low fat spread (atho I never had a weight problem). I don't buy cream, and only occasionally use salt andthen only the low sodium stuff. Hardly ever eat an egg anymore either and a bag of sugar lasts about 2 yrs.

Oh but sometimes I miss the nice stuff with tons of sugar and deep fried chips (dont even have a fryer anymore) big fat sausages, burgers and cheese with extra bacon. Has our food fetish gone too far? What are your gulity food secrets? Mine is a Magnum Ghana Cocoa ice-cream, droolishly goregous.
They dont do this anymore but one of my local chinese's used to do a Special Box - it was 2 chicken balls, 1 spring roll and chips and I used to buy it with a tub of curry sauce and absolutely devour it - I still dream about it sometimes.

Other than that I dont deny myself anything food-wise but for me the key is moderation/treats only.

So I do eat takeaways but only once a month, I do eat chocolate/crisps but only rarely, I do eat processed food but only once every few weeks, I cant even remember what a slice of white bread tastes like, and I have never bought a 'ready meal' in my life.

I find that if I keep it clean (the diet that is), 95% of the time then I dont feel bad or suffer ill health effects from being devilish occasionally.

Mind you Ive quite a sensitive stomach so Im just in the habit of non processed food and little junk.
2 x battered (jumbo) sausages on a Friday night on the way home after a feed of beer. That was then (I was young), wouldn't touch it now.
Right - am gonna join in this thread but please nobody use the word YUMMY!

Ahhh truth seeker our local chinese still does those - I must admit to getting one every few weeks - especially if himself isn't home for dinner or something - just handy. I used to absolutely love Pat Graces (the old Kentucky fried chicken. It used to be in Drumcondra and phibsboro and the odd Friday night my dad would stop off and bring home a bucket of it with that amazing gravy - god knows what was in it but you could lay bricks with it!

Mostly now I find white bread is my weakness - I know how bad it is and know I am intolerant to it yet can't seem to walk past a bakery without getting a turnover!
I adore a 3 in 1 from the chinese - fried rice, chips and curry sauce mmmmm

I think people can be too much one or way or the other with food these days, either junk food and take aways or low fat everything.
I think the best way to look at it is to eat as much natural and non-processed food as possible - veg, fruit,eggs, brown bread, brown rice, brown pasta, etc and when you give yourself a treat then enjoy it!
I eat my 5 veg a day and my 5 pieces of fruit. Unfortunately I also eat 5 pieces of crap (wait for it) per day as well.
Most of our meals are vegetable based as we are a vegetarian and vegan household so I don't feel bad about the occasional "bad" food. My favourite guilty food would be white pasta with cheese sauce (made with full fat milk) and about a stone of melted cheese on top....heaven, though I would only have this once a fortnight at most as it leaves me bloated for a day after.

My mother in law is the worst food police ever, insisting everything has to be free range/organic/freshly picked or slaughtered yet has either a slice of cake or white bread and butter with every cup of tea she drinks, and she drinks a lot of tea!
Ahhh truth seeker our local chinese still does those - I must admit to getting one every few weeks - especially if himself isn't home for dinner or something - just handy.

Please please tell me the name of your local chinese!!!!

Ciarella - a 3 in 1 tray is my staple junk treat now that the special box is gone
I try to avoid potatoes but when they bring out the free ribs & colcannon on Friday night in Waterford pubs I'm doomed.
I had a Mars Bar ice-cream at the weekend, and it was the nicest thing I have eaten in years, and I dont even like Mars Bars that much.

Of course, properly cooked, home made chips are the best food in the world and what I dream about when I am eating oatcakes.
I don't understand avoiding potatoes, if they're boiled, mashed (without too much butter ) or baked they are a healthy food full of complex carbohydrate and low in fat. Also if baked and the skins are eaten you're gtting some fibre too.

A colleague in work has avoided drinking milk for years because she thinks it will make her fat and now has borderline osteoporosis.
This to me makes no sense, better to have the milk and avoid the chips.
The same women will have three punnets of full fat butter on two slices of toast
Big Mac every 2 or 3 months....the desire/addiction just builds up gradually and then, bang, out of nowhere I'll turn into a raging lunatic from 28 Days Later until I devour one in under 20 seconds. Placid and "normal" then in on the way home...

But do you not find (as happens me), that the desire builds up (for me its not for Big Mac, its for pizza or chinese) and then you become that relentless zombie, go get the goodies and stuff it down the hatch at the speed of light, then you feel rubbish later - not emotionally, not at all!!! But you get a bloated stomach, general feeling of 'ive eaten junk and it doesnt feel good', overly thirsty, the food lies heavy in the belly growling at you. And you end up thinking - I should have just have my pork chop (or whatever ordinary dinner was planned).

I hate that bad stomach feeling and it RUINS the zombie fun it took to get it!'re on your own there...I just crash back in the plastic chair delighted with myself
A little bit of what's bad for you, every now and then, is OK by me.

My problem is an overly liberal interpretation of 'every now and then' !
With me, I eat pretty healthy meals, the problem is the food I eat between the meals! Ever since I stopped smoking a few years ago I just have this thing where I have to have something to snack on if I'm sitting down in the evening, crisps, popcorn etc - am trying to break the habit but t'was easier to give up smoking!
That sounds like fun. I eat full-fat everything and only use real butter, wouldn't touch spreads (I should probably eat more eggs). I don't eat much junk food or confectionery though.