Food mixer from states



my girlfriend is thinking about buying a food mixer from america and i was just wondering if there is any problems with this with regard to electrical connections etc.

Voltage may be a problem

US uses 110 we use 220.

Different plugs
Transformer needed


In order for most US electrical appliance to work correctly in Ireland you will need to buy a transformer - this changes the voltage from 220 (standard in Ireland) to 110, as burkemg said. Some appliances do come with dual voltage switches so it might be worth checking out - however, I have only ever seen this facility / option with regard to stereo equipment

I know Peats in Parnell street used to sell these transformers - when buying a transformer you will need to know the wattage of the appliance to ensure you get a large enough transformer

Also, the transformers can be bulky and ugly, about the size of a large square orange and may look out of place if permanently wired in kitchen (this may not be an issue but I know my better half is fastidious in her quest for clean and un-encumbered lines in a kitchen)

thanks for your help. i'll check out about transformer

The frequency is different too. This will cause your motor to run slower in Ireland by about 15%.

I moved back home from the States last year and brought a fair bit of stuff with me, mainly big stuff like washing machine/dryer/television that had been converted to 220 Voltage. You can buy appliances in the States that have been converted to 220. However unless there is a large difference in price I wouldn't recommend bringing smaller appliances. Also if you are getting it posted from the States there is the problem of having to pay parcel post charges which are fairly high since An Post lost the contract.