Flat roof on house


Registered User
I am hoping to build a house circa 4000 s ft with a flat roof.

I would not consider the torch on felt system.

There seems to be many new innovations when it comes to flat roofs: zinc, aluminium even fibreglass etc.

Anyone any experience doing a full house with a flat roof?

What would the best method when it comes to guttering? There will be a wall around the top of the house (above roof level) Was not sure if the guttering system should be on the inside side of this wall?


I'm not able to comment on the questions asked but just be aware that most insurance companies have a condition of <25% flat roof on a house when it comes to house insurance so be prepared to pay a premium for house insurance.
Why dont you ask your architect or QS?
I'm not able to comment on the questions asked but just be aware that most insurance companies have a condition of <25% flat roof on a house when it comes to house insurance so be prepared to pay a premium for house insurance.

Indeed something to be borne in mind alright. Not 10 minutes ago just read a clause from AXA where it says:
'Please be aware that mineral flat roofs over 5 years old must be inspected and maintained by a professional builder every 3 years. You must be able to prove this in the event of a claim'.

In light of this it might be best to get the views of one or two insurance companies for any other system that you are considering and don't allow yourself to be a guinea pig for such a system.