First time buyer?


Registered User
I've two things in the planning stage: I'm engaged to be married this year and also planning on buying a house; the marriage will come first.

My fiancee already owns an apartment, solely in her own name. She will not be selling this in the near future. I have not purchased property in the past.

If I purchase a house after we are married then:

1. Will the bank accept a mortgage application for me on my own or will they require my (then) spouse to be included in the mortgage application for the new house? (taking salaries into account for a higher mortgage level is not neccessarily an issue)

2. In a similar manner will the bank require that both our names are placed on the deeds of the house as we will be married?

3. Does the results of 1., 2. (or a combination) mean that I will lose first time buyer status? In other words, can I purchase a house on my own with a mortgage in my own name as a first time buyer after marriage?


will the new place that you are buying ,will this be your family home ?

under the family home act
( your spouse will have to sign a form consenting to the mortgage.ur not allowed borrow on a primary residence in sole names with out the consent of both parties - only applies to married couples

i dont know if your bank will allow this because you are avoiding paying stampduty on a new property as a couple.
I think househunter is right. Your spouse has to sign along with you. Stamp duty might be added. Unless if you taken a loan.