Firefox 1.0




Ive just downloaded firefox 1.0 and can confirm that the ezboard
bold and italics and underline are now working properly. They didnt work correctly for me with earlier versions.

Does anyone know what "tabbed browsing" is? and why it is so good?

Ive just downloaded firefox 1.0 and can confirm that the ezboard quote bold and italics and underline are now working properly. They didnt work correctly for me with earlier versions.

All ezBoard ezCodes always worked for me since I started using FireFox alpha versions a good while back back when it was still known as FireBird. If you had a problem with these then it must've been down to something else other than the browser.

Does anyone know what "tabbed browsing" is? and why it is so good?

Tabbed browsing and other FireFox features are explained here. I like tabbed browsing and the FireFox extension capabilities but the main reason I use it is because it is more secure/safe than Internet Explorer.
Different Browsers W98se comparison

I tried firefox but the back (arrow) button doesent work.
I tried Netscate but find it very slow to open & run.
Opera runs great on most web sites and is very fast but dislikes certain websites & the back button wont work after pdf & word files which is a nuisence as you lose your search.I have tried OffByOne (mini Browser) & its very fast & safe on "dodgy websites" as it has no java & active X.
Thanks Clubman,

The site you pointed to was very informative.

I still have the earlier version of mozilla and firefox on other machines and will be able to recreate the ez code problem. Im nearly sure its the browser as I dont have the same problem with MSIE and as I said with the v1.0. The problem occurred when I highlighted text and hit the B, I, or U or the 'quote' butttons. Instead of just inserting the code a pop up sreen would appear and invite me to enter the text. The text was limited to only one line. Also when I put in the text it would land it at the end of the post even if I was inserting in the middle.

If its not the browser I wonder where I should be looking for the the root cause?

I tried firefox but the back (arrow) button doesent work.

Not sure why that might be. Never caused me any problems even in alpha versions. Anything useful

The problem occurred when I highlighted text and hit the B, I, or U or the 'quote' butttons. Instead of just inserting the code a pop up sreen would appear and invite me to enter the text. The text was limited to only one line. Also when I put in the text it would land it at the end of the post even if I was inserting in the middle.

Hmmm. I have never seen that before but then again I tend to type in by hand instead of using the feaure.
The problem occurred when I highlighted text and hit the B, I, or U or the 'quote' butttons. Instead of just inserting the code a pop up sreen would appear and invite me to enter the text.
While annoying you could just ctrl-x the highlighted text and ctrl-c it into the pop box et voils.
The text was limited to only one line
Really ? Sounds wierd. Are you sure just because the box is limited to showing one line that you can't enter more into it but not see it ?
Just testing here to see if I have the same problem as I do the same as Clubman and enter the tags meself.
No. It takes more than one line for me.
Of course this doesn't sort the problem of trying to have a bold, undelined, italic line.
Thanks ElCato and Clubman,

I wont get a chance to check on the other machines for a few days yet. Pehaps its the operating system: one in ME and the other is an old NT4 os? Ill report back after I check it.

Re: Firefox 1.0 the find facility

A great feature of the new firefox is the find facility. When you do ctrl+F a search bar appears on the bottom left of the screen as you type your search string the browser finds the string. When there is nothing to find the bar changes from green to red. Its very clever.


This is a test using Mozilla 1.7.3. If this appears within quotation lines then its working. If it does not then obviously it is not. Here goes.........................................................

Im typing this in a pop up box entitled [java script application] I have a funnny feeling this is not goint to work

So there you go highlighting and clicking the quote button doesnt work in the earlier versions of Mozilla. Anyway its a bit of a moot point as it works with the new release 1.0

Thanks for all your comments.
Firefox & W98se

Took another look at firefox. It work OK when when you dont log on as a user. However I always Log on as a user/profile as I share the computer with others.
, have you tried the Find keystroke command in Mozilla?<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->Forward stroke ('/') and type the string. To repeat the Find press F3.
Firefox 1.0 : Find "/" & F3

Thanks Max for the "/" & F3 tip! I can see Im going to have fun with Firefox!

Ive just checked Help (dont know why I didnt check it out earlier) and its full of interesting stuff.

When I first went on line in 1994 I was using Netscape but over the years it just seems to have got pushed aside by MSIE. I still have to use MSIE at work and when Im using other peoples pc's.
