Final inspection - no utilities connected



When I went to snag my house in a new development some weeks ago I discovered that it was up to me to get the ESB and Gas connected, I thought this was unusual at the time but went ahead and set it up, ESB promised to be out the next week to do it. Of course stupidly I trusted them :->
I submitted my snag list and now the developer tells me the house is ready for final inspection (3 weeks later), I asked though if the ESB and Gas had been connected because I wanted the surveyor to be able to check the heating and electrics as he hadn't been able to so during the first snag. I was told that they hadn't been connected yet so I said I would get back onto ESB etc and delay final inspection until the utilities were available. However the foreman couldn't see why I would want to delay the final inspection and that their responsibility was to supply the house and it was mine to get the utilities connected. Should I delay the final inspection until after they are connected? I'm afraid if I don't there will be problems that will only come to light after I move in and will be difficult to get sorted out. What do you think?
I think your right, I dont think you should complete without the utilites connected, Have ESB said anything about when it will be connected, any timeframe given, I assume that the paperwork from electician, etc has been submitted in application for connection. I would also discuss this with your solicitor. they may have additional advice

sorry not much help
I wouldnt delay the process for Gas and Light. The ESB wont connect your House to the grid if anything is wrong with the electrics in the house. If that happens the builder will have to fix the problem.

I didnt wait for mine and everthing was fine. However I did put a caveat inthe snag list given to the foreman that as the ESB was not tested yet that if anything came to light that I would expect it to be put right.