Films/TV Series about Professional Speculators


Registered User
Hi All,

I’m putting together a list of fictional film and TV Series that revolve around the theme of the professional speculator (operating within a speculative bubble, zero sum game environment). So far, I have come up with the following. If anyone can think of any others, feel free to share (no matter how old the film/tv series is).

Thanks In Advance for All Responses

Double Dynamite (Film 1951)
Film in which Frank Sinatra helps a professional gambler and ends up being brought into a secret office where the gambler makes him a load of money betting on horse racing

Lovejoy (TV Series 1986, 1991 to 1994)
BBC series about a dodgy English antiques dealer.

Wall Street (Film 1987)
Film about ruthless, ambitious and corrupt stockbrokers. Sequel due in 2010.