Father entitled to council house ??


Registered User
Hi , was just wondering if anybody could tell me I am a father of one and am living in my mothers and fathers 3 bedroom council house all my life . I live there with parents , two brothers and my brothers daughter who has special needs . I am working full time I am currently sleeping on the couch as there is no room for me and I hardly get to see my son as there is no room for him to stay in the house on weekends and his mother does not allow him up as my dad has a drink problem . I am finding it very hard to cope at home now and need my own place but could not afford to rent on my own and need a home for my son ?? Could I apply for a council house and what do I need could anybody help me
You can contact the housing officer at your local authority and ask for a housing needs assessment. The housing authority will assess your current accommodation and if you have a housing need then you will be placed on the housing list.
Even though I am working will this be a problem as I could not afford to rent an apartment on my own ??
Here's more information from the Dublin City Council website: The rules would be similar around the country, but you should check with your local authority

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