Fancy an ice cream-is it safe if the vendor doesn't wash their hands?

Actually Dowee, I thought it was fairly clear that I was referencing the products in question, as I did refer to their pasteurised status of the products on the FSAI website link.

Anyway, without specifically checking the product that the local ice cream shop are using then I guess there is room for speculation on their status as pasteurised or not. It just strikes me as very odd that they would be unpasteurised, as I mentioned the risk to young children (who generally seem quite fond of this product) would be similar to that of pregnant women. Anyway perhaps this is off the subject that the OP intended.
apologies Dowee, when I read the quote asking for a link to back up the statement, I assumed it was your statement, didn't notice the reference to thrifty.
Well theres nothing like a Healthy debate, very intresting reading y'all.
The Ice cream man came around again this evening so I put on my Super Mam's Hat and went out to investigate... had a few questions lined up, but first had a good look inside the van... seemed very clean.. I asked about daily cleaning routines and he was actually very forthcoming. He told me that hygene standards are stringent with all thier vans and staff are reminded daily of them. He said that all remainding ice cream was discarded every evening and the machines were cleaned, something about self cleaning cycle and then scrubbed and rinsed and filled with a sanitiser solution is to disenfect the machine and then they are rinsed with clean water... sounded good enough for me.. and he was serving at the same time too..( ice cream men can multi-task)..... so we got our 99's and screwballs....
That was a couple of hours far so good....
feeling ok....