Fairview Close Apts, off Richmond avenue, Dublin

Re: Fairview Close Apts

I would agree with Extopia and share the view that the Richmond Ave area is going to remain as a building site for a few years with other sites being developed. We received a letter & plans from our solicitors regarding Block C in Fairview Close which will be mixed commercial & residential. There is a creche shown on the plans but no indication of overall height of the building. There doesn't seem to be any indication of parking for the commercial units and the only access shown seems to be from Richmond Ave with pedestrian access from Richmond Road. Does anyone have any more info on this, i.e. no. of apartments, parking, no. of floors, etc.?
Re: Fairview Apts

I have no information regarding block C but i do know that there is proposed pedestrian access to the development from Fairview strand which will bring you in behind Block C. Hopefully this access happens as it would be ideal for reaching fariview without walking around the richmond ave way. Has anybody heard anymore information on this?
Re: Fairview Apts

Yes, there is pedestrian access to Fairview Strand, or at least there was on the original planning application.

Got Google Earth? You can look at the development [broken link removed]
Re: Fairview Apts

Is mid december snagging of Block A still likely ? Anyone got any new updates on the progress of the build ...
Re: Fairview Apts

Is mid december snagging of Block A still likely ? Anyone got any new updates on the progress of the build ...

Still nothing moving on the Fairview Close Apartments !! My father went down and said they still were working away on block A , the snagging in mid december obviously never went ahead. Anyone heard any updates about the current timeframe for block A ... ??

Re: Fairview Apts

Hey LK,
was wondering the same myself. I had emailed Ellen the week before Christmas and was told that they were having site meeting on Friday 22nd December to discuss it and from this, formal letter would be sent out re snagging. As far as they were aware, Jan 15th was still the date but meeting was to confirm. I reckon it will be pushed out a bit tho since now Jan 3rd and nothing yet. Cheers
Re: Fairview Apts

Fairview close

FYI - I heard Block B is now due for snagging in March
Re: Fairview Apts

Fairview close

FYI - I heard Block B is now due for snagging in March

Knowing my luck Block B will be completed before Block A ... I emailed the developers about block A and was told there'd be an update today or friday
Re: Fairview Apts

Got new date of 29th January for snagging ... looks like february at the earliest for closing so ...
Re: Fairview Apts

Got recommended this company for doing my apartment snag

[broken link removed]

I'll let ye know if they do a good job , prices seem reasonable enough and they give a free follow up snag after initial one.

Can't wait to see the place now ;-)
Re: Fairview Apts

Has anyone had a peek inside apts yet?

went to snag apartment yesterday , the builder guy we organised to meet was not there @10a.m .. it took us 20 mins to get into apartment. The apartment was not ready for a snag. It appears to have been used as a canteen/storage area/builder toilet/dust collection point. There were major defects with glass broken , wardrobes missing, baths not fitted fully. There were about 50 small boxes of door handles and other items being stored in the main living room. The outside of the apartment had a four foot trench around it which inhibited access to properly snag.

In short the apartment was not ready to be snagged.

I now have to get my snagger to do a follow up snag when the builders sort out ALL the items above (and other minor defects)

Also the place on a whole is still a building site, scaffolding ,machinery etc. everywhere , I'd not expect to be moving in for a month or so at least ...
Re: Fairview Apts

Join the club LK!

Turned up on Monday and apartment was nowhere ready. My snagger came up from Waterford and had to go straight back home again. Myself and girlfriend had taken the day off work as well. We had rang the previous Thursday to confirm everything was good for this week and were told it was. Very unprofessional approach. Was told it will be about another 2 weeks before the next snag.
Re: Fairview Apts

I snagged my apartment down there two weeks ago. I am on the first floor in Block A. I was pretty impressed with the finish inside. Granted there is still some work to be done tidying up corridors, stairwells and the exteriors but overall I was happy enough.
Re: Fairview Apts

Yeah same here went to snag last Monday and the place was still a building site. Corridors still need a lot of work, No lifts. I think maybe the Richmond Avenue end of Block A might be closer to completion. Inside of the apartment had stuff all over the floors. We went ahead with the snag anyway seen as our snagger was on site. But i agree very unprofessional. They would want to get it sorted out for the next time we go down!
Re: Fairview Apts

Went down for 2nd follow up snag on Fairview Close , place was much much better. Looked very nice. Still some minor issues and outside works to be completed but looking closer to sign off ...
That sounds good! Does anyone know when Phase B will be ready for snagging?
For anyone that doesn't already know, there is a show apartment now on view in Block A (it's apartment 47). It was showing Saturday (today) 11-1pm, and assume it will be showing next week. For anyone that hasn't already seen their finishings the show apt. is a good reference.

We bought in Block B - we were told it would be around end of March for snagging. Also for anyone that's interested, the proposed penthouse for Block B is not being built - this will be great for anyone on Block B 2nd floor (no one above now) or Block A 3rd floor (great view, no blocking).

There are a few cancellations for anyone interested - here's the list:
Block A: Apts 16, 39, 40, 51.
Block B: Apts 61, 74, 80, 85.
Block A is still slow in being finished, has anybody managed to close. I'm still waiting on snagging and its taking an eternity. Finding the foreman most unhelpful and unprofessional, very laisse-faire attitude. anybody else feeling a bit fed up with all the delays or has it gone better than expected.