Fair Deal Scheme Question


Registered User
Both my parents are moving into a nursing home and we are looking at the fair deal scheme. My question is in relation to their house.

As they are both moving into the nursing home, the house will now be empty. If we rent it out will it still be subject to the 3 year cap?

What happens if we sell it after the 3year cap and they are both still living?

And would 80% of the rental income have to go to the the government?

Could we get away with having someone live in it for a minimal rent?

While not answering your query when you say your folks are moving into a nursing home i was under the impression that the Fair Deal Scheme had to be in place and finalised before ne could get into a nursing home, Would be interested if there is some other way other than paying cash
Yeah you can apply for the fair deal at any time, even if you are already in a nursing home. Unfortunately it was more important to get them into care first.
If I recall, if you rent the house, the rent is assessed as income indefinitely.
If the house is sold, the proceeds would be assessed as savings, even if transferred to other members of the family.

Trojan, my father was moved to a nursing home before the fair deal was in place. The hospital needed the bed, so they arranged the transfer. The application for fair deal was submitted around the time he moved, and was granted 3 months later. The family didn't pay anything, we understood that the hospital covered some costs in the interim. This wasn't the case, as we were billed for 3 months when the fair deal contribution was sorted (we paid the difference between FD and the full cost).

The net rent will be assessable indefinitely, not just 3 years.

I have previously been told on the phone by the HSE that if the house is sold after 3 years, that is a notifiable change in circumstances and the proceeds become cash assets and are assessable indefinitely.

This issue has been discussed previously with some suggesting you can or at least should be able to sell after 3 years and not have the proceeds assessed. I don’t believe this is the case but if anyone has done it please let us know.

I would guess that as least some Fair Deal houses are lived in on a caretaker arrangement. An empty house throws up many issues.

Have a look at this brilliant link, it explains Fair Deal very well and answers many questions; http://myfairdeal.ie/