Fair Deal/Nursing Homes Fair Deal Scheme - House held in trust


Registered User
Hi - we had a house gifted to us by a family member approx 15 years ago - my parents currently live in the house.

When the house was gifted, 1/3 was in my brothers name and the remaining 2/3's were in my mothers name but 'held in trust' for my sister and I.

If/when either of my parents need to move to a nursing home, how would the fair deal scheme work in this instance?

I believe the 2/3's in your mums name is what her FD contribution will be assessed on.
If/when either of my parents need to move to a nursing home, how would the fair deal scheme work in this instance?

I don’t know the answer to your question but I always found the Nursing Home Support offices very helpful with queries. Their contact details are on the back page of the application form below. Probably best to put your query in writing to get a written reply.

If it is the case that your parents would be assessed on two thirds of the house, get legal advice, it might be better to sort this issue now, that way your parents might be outside the 5 year transfer rule if and when Fair Deal is needed.

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