Fair Deal Scheme Calculation, home is Joint Tenancy, not Tenancy in Common

Thank you so much Des for that document. Yes it was a public one. As in run by the HSE. We did know that, but I'd no idea there are published amounts per month per care home. Around 2K +/- it looks like for 2024. In general. I'm actually just trying to get to grips with how the Fair Deal is calculated, my relatives all have varying ideas about it, but nobody can do me a calculation.

Is the 'assessed' amount the calculation they do based on your old home value, income (pension, dividends, rents) and other assets (property, shares. ,money in bank) - minus the 36K first. ANd you take the 'general' 2 K cost, the HSE does a calculation, and you are liable for that amount then.
Have you contacted the local nursing home support office,. we found them very good in the past (our issue was not as complicated as yours though)
Yes I phoned today, but the lady in charge is not there today, I'll ring back again.
Yes you pay your assessed amount, the HSE pay the balance.

Examples of how they do the calculations can be found in the link in #6 earlier in this thread.