Health Insurance Fair deal scheme – PPR query


Registered User

This is very much a theoretical question at this stage. We feel our mother might be in the very early stages of some kind of dementia. We are doing a quick assessment of my parents' financial situation. Reading through some other posts trying to get a handle on the fair deal scheme (which I hope we won't need, as in I hope she won't need a nursing home).

The nub of the question is this: The house they are living in, i.e. their PPR is in my mother's name only. I don't think there was any particular reason for this other than my father was working abroad at the time of its purchase in the late 70s. If we do not change this, will they consider my mother to be the sole owner of the property for assessment purposes should such a time come? Do they ask for proof of ownership of the house?? Even if we do change it, is there a specific length of time that must pass before the house is considered 'theirs' and not 'hers' for assessment purposes?

As I said, hopefully she won't need to go into a nursing home, but better to be prepared in advance should that time come. Thanks in advance for any advice.


Don’t think so, your local Nursing Home Support Office should confirm if you give them a call, I always found them very helpful, you will find the list of offices at the bottom of this link;

My understanding is, for financial assessment purposes, the assessment will be based on half the couple’s combined income and assets, don’t think it matters whose name the property is in or which partner earns whatever, they are treated as a couple. See the fifth line in Financial Assessment here;

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