Fair Deal Nursing Home Scheme


Registered User
Has anybody strong feelings about the new Fair Deal Long Term care scheme.
In some areas it could be very beneficial and in others penal.

It might be a great scheme for Older People who have little possessions. On the other hand a couple with two pensions could be comfortable living together, reduce this to one pension and it is a difficult situation often resulting in poverty. The same home costs, heat, maintenance,TV all household appliances and other costs are the same for one person, on a greatly reduced amount.
Their income for the purpose of Long Term care will be halved, the person in long term care will have 80% of their income taken for their care. The person remaining at home may be left in poverty if their only income is the State Pension.

For the person who has worked hard and acquired a nice home and other investments it might seem otherwise.
Currently the amount taken from your home is 5% of its value for 3 years. It is a sitting target to be raised particularly in the current financial situation.
The reason that 3 years was chosen is because statistics show that from the time an Older Person enters long term care their life span is raraly longer than 3 years.
The same criteria applies for their ongoing costs. Their income, including any shares, income from property etc will be halved and, 80% of the person in care share will be taken leaving them with 20%.
It is a subject that requires much discussion.
For the farming community it is difficult too, and uncertain.
The cost of going into one of the Community hospitals has been drastically increased to about 1/3 more than Nursing Homes. What is the plan for their future?