Facebook fbml comments box


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I have set up a corporate Facebook page, and want to put in a Q&A tab. I have set up the tab and opening text, but I can't get a comment box to come up.

I have no programming experience at all, so have been copying and pasting and trying to work it out as I go along.

Here is my current draft

<fb:comments xid=”Q&A on Company Law” numposts=”10″ width=”450″ canpost=”true”

Nothing comes up at all. Can anyone help me? Please remember my zero knowledge base. I am hoping people will enter questions and I will answer them. Also I would like all comments to stay up as a sort of database so numposts may not be appropriate, but at this stage all I want is a working box!
Would the 'Discussions' tab not be more appropriate for what you're looking to do?
There's also 3rd party applications which can be added as tabs to a Page, but I'm not overly familiar with any that offer the functionality you require, sorry!