External Insulation Quotation Variation.



Friends of ours got a quotation to put external insulation on their house. It was for the entire house, excluding a small section (about 5 square metres) of the front wall which they thought they would need planning permission for. They got the quotation a few months before the sei grants were introduced.

Lately they discovered they don't need planning for it and they are going to do the whole house. They got the same company back recently to give them a quotation for the work and the cost has increased by approx €5000! And the explanation was that the first guy they sent out didn't know how to price jobs properly.

Our friends are presuming that the company added in the grant the second time round. Has anyone else had any experience like this since the grants came in? And has anyone compared insulation job prices between sei registered and non registered contractors?
Lately they discovered they don't need planning for it and they are going to do the whole house.

Interesting. I talked with the local planners in my area and I was told that I did need planning permission if I was changing the front appearance of the house. As my house is a semi-d and my neighbour was not interested in having his half done, there would be an glaringly obvious difference at the border. In my case there was no way around this - perhaps your friend's house is detached and that woudl make like simpler, although any change to the front can be an issue. I would check with the local planners first.