expired penalty points


Registered User
Anyone know where I can find out if my penalty points have expired yet? I got mine very soon after the scheme started. Thanks, M
Not sure where you can check is http://www.transport.ie/upload/general/4743-0.pdf (this) of any use?

Thanks, I'll have to have a look so and see if I have a record of when I paid the fine. M
I got 2 penalty points in July this year but when I got my notice (beginning of October) it stated that the effective date was 10th November, 2005. What's the logic behind this other than adding 4 months to the period the points will be on my licence?
The points come into effect only when you pay for them, so the November date is probably the date you had to cough up by? I got a response from the Citizens advice bureau, you have to contact the licensing department in your local authority to check the status of your points. Muz