Expenses of Dail Deputies.


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Because of the high profile resignation in the UK i notice that detailed data on all expenses of MPs are available on the web. Is such information available here in this country?
No, I dont think so. I believe that the papers request it quarterly via FOI requests.
Its a bit disappointing in this day and age that the term UNVOUCHED expenses terms are used when it means " no receipts". Is this legal? A public representative should be clear and unambiguous with no room for .....

Are these expenses tax free????

I'm sure my unvouched expenses will be acceptable to the tax man when I make my tax return in October.
It seems obvious to me that the whole politician expenses thing needs to be scrapped. Irish politicians simply can not be trusted.

'Unvouched' expenses need to be axed now!

We really need to fight back against the government. They truly are our enemy.

Not just the goverment - all of them, but as always we just sit back and take it, discuss it in pubs and forums (me included )

Maybe our pensioners can take the lead again and show us how to protest and stop letting them get away with it - robbing our money, embezzling money from the state. Sackable offence in the world outside of politics
Dear Brian Cowen...

Could Ivor Callely's situation be deemed as fraud - ie claiming for expenses that were not valid & subsequently get charged. If that happened where I work, you'd be fired without getting any state pension!
Its time the gubberment gets serious on this once and for all and stop trying to patch it up. If you take something that you shouldn't have & start bending the rules then you are out straight away - no question!

All elected councillors/TD's senators credibility are at stake here. Sort out the mess & get rid of the free loading gangsters who deem it a right to pocket the tax payers money fraudulently.
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+1. At a minimum, he should have to repay the expenses including the mileage claimed from his holiday home address.
Wel Callely has resigned - now what exactly does that mean folks - does he still sit in the Seanad and get a pension? Is he going to be forced to repay - or does the fact that he 'resigned' now make it ok and now Fianna Fail can 'bury' this ?
Resigning and/or retiring is the ultimate get out of jail free card in Ireland. It can be used by senior bankers, politicians, civil servants or state appointees. Once they retire or resign all previous transgressions are forgiven. It’s the secular version of going to confession.

If they are smart and retire before they have to resign they get to keep their pensions and golden handshakes.

The reason for this is simple; the government is not interested in justice and honesty, they simply want the problem to go away and they know that out of sight is out of mind.

I don’t know why anyone is surprised and please don’t think this is just a Fianna Fail issue, it applies across every facet of the state.

Fully agree. There should be a investigation by the fraud squad. If I fiddled my expenses in work, I wouldn't be able to just resign. I would be sacked and probably reported to the guards. Seems to me that people at the top resign, everyone else gets sacked.
Concillors, public servants, TDs, senetors etc all claim expenses.

Why cannot you access how public money is being spent in this country without FOIs?
The attitude to expenses within the PS seems to be one of entitlement.

I worked for the CSO one year & I was submitting my expenses. I was out for about 5 hours one day which would mean I was entitled to subsistance (from recollection about €13....rediculous amount for a lunch) for being over 4 hours. But I had gone home and had a sambo so I didn't claim. My manager insisted I submit it or "I'd be ruining it for everyone"?!?!?!

If a fraud has been commited they should definately have to repay and face charges

I worked for a Government Dept in the late 90s and I'd have to say that my experience was very different to the above. It was always instilled into you that expenses claims are always on the basis that additional expenditure was actually incurred. You would not be allowed to claim for a lunch just by being out of the office for 5 hours or for any expenses at all for anything within the greater Dublin area (or whatever locality you lived/worked in). There would be many times when, by the strict interpretation of the CS rules (same as Revenue rules) you may be entitled to expenses, but the vast majority of people wouldnt feel right making a claim if they weren't out of pocket.