Excessive "ticking" noise on whirlpool fridge


Registered User
I've a whirlpool american fridge. About 3-4 times per hour it gives off a loud "ticking" sound for about 30 seconds.

I thought originally it was connected to the water filter (which needed to be replaced around the time that this started), but am still experiencing the problem.

Don't think it is fan related.

Any ideas ?
is it the ice maker kicking in ? - try turning off the ice for a while.
We had the same problem with ours. Then there would be a loud clicking noise when you used the ice maker. Then the freezer defrosted! The problem was the control board. We bought the fridge in 2003 and it is on its 3rd Control Panel. The last one was fitted in June 2007 and the 4th is to be fitted next week sometime. Has anyone else had the same problem with the control panel?
yea, we also had to get a control panel replaced - we had the clicking noise issue....

Also had to get control panel on whirlpool washing machine replaced.