Euopean City Guide - Scam!


Registered User
I've just opened this morning's post to discover that I've been caught by this scam.

The so called European City Guide has sent me an invoice for €987.00 for an insertion in their forthcoming publication.

A quick Google of "European City Guide" reveals that I am not alone. These hits are typical....

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I want to write an email and send a registered letter. I am going to say that I wish to terminate all dealings with European City Guide. Anything else I should include or do?



ps. If this isn't the correct forum for this thread, please transfer it to the appropriate one.
Many companies have paid for advertising in this publication including clients of mine. The entries do actually exist ( I've just checked one out one on ) so if you pay you get an entry. I'm not sure what else you can do other than not enter again. They invite you to put an entry and you accepted. I'm not sure that the entry does anything for business but only the individual advertiser can determine that.
Many companies have paid for advertising in this publication including clients of mine. They invite you to put an entry and you accepted.


Your reply surprises me and that's understating it! ;-)

I think the point is that they didn't make the invitation in any open and above board way.

There is a raft of correspondence and debate relating to the methods employed by this company. Yes, strictly speaking, they set out what they intended to do. But, it was the manner of their doing so and its unintended consequences that has upset so many people.

Here is another typical reaction>

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I'm not disagreeing with you and I'm not agreeing with their methods. However it is up to any company receiving correspondence to read and understand it before parting with money. Any unsolicited correspondence should always be treated with greater scrutiny.
I never ever reply to anything like that, I file it straight away in the shredder.
Do not pay under any circumstances. If you look at the website it gives you an indication of the cycle of events. They are chancing their arm and you will not be brought to court.

If they ring you from the debt collection agency, just reiterate your position, you did not request the ad, tell them you are recording their conversation as you are taking legal advice.

If you write to them, again tell them you did not request the ad, do not wish to be included on their website and are not paying. I would also state that they do not comply with irish law.

From one of the Articles

ECG is not infringing any consumer legislation, but Irish law obliges directories to print the date of publication of the directory and the price of the directory on all order forms. ECG's forms contain none of this information.

I would not pay for this under any circumstances. We have got things like this in work, even Invoices out of the blue, I would not even entertain them, just not pay and like other people into the shredder it goes.
We got this into the office today.

It occurs to me that with a lot of people on leave for the Xmas, some junior member of staff might well just sign this "order" and would later find themselves caught for it.
