ETFs & Quinn Life



My EBS SSIA matures today and I intend investing 20k of it in an ISEQ 20 ETF.

I intend doubling my monthly SSIA contributions to €500 and investing this in a Quinn Life Regular Saver fund with the following split:

Euro Freeway: 50%
Celtic Freeway: 20%
Emerging Markets: 20%
Japan Freeway: 10%

I've read a few previous threads on Quinn Life % breakdowns (very useful). However, I'm looking for opinion on Quinn's Emerging Market & Japan Freeway funds and I can't find much current info on these funds on the site. The China looks a bit to volatile at the moment for me.

Any advice welcome.
The China looks a bit to volatile at the moment for me.

A lot of the pundits seem to think that china is the place to invest.

personally i am 40% celtic, 40% euro and 20% us freeway funds.

it might be worth a small % in china though as part diversified fund.

BTW aren't the celtic fund and the iseq etf not very similar (if not the same)?
Thanks NiallA,

I've seen a few articles over the past week or so that seem to be saying that China is a bubble waiting to burst. The growth thats happening in the markets is way ahead of the growth in company earnings. Students and pensioners taking out loans buy shares to get rich quick isn't a good sign...

Ya, the ISEQ 20 ETF is virtually the same as the Celtic Freeway fund except the ETF only charges 0.5% per annum. I'm plan on making some monthly contributions into Celtic Freeway as I still see value in the Irish market, but I will be limiting this to 20% as I also want to diversify my investments outside Ireland.