Estates in Lucan?

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In fairness,
(and a bit off topic) the traffic in the area is getting worse month on month as far as I can see.

I live in the village and the volume of cars passing through to cross the river is growing all the time. I know of one Laraghcon resident who travels through Leixlip to get to work near Tesco's in Lucan at peak times!

The new traffic arrangement on the fly over by Woodies seems to be set up to help even more traffic pass through the area, at the expense of local residents...see the lines of traffic getting off at the Foxhunter exit for evidence.

Having said all that I do like living in the area, and there are plenty of facilities as well as a lot of community spirit that I haven't seen in other areas.
do you know if a particular option has been selected? Also - are either of these (or both) close enough to Earlsfort / Colthurst etc? I saw Rosse Court on the map alright but wasn't quite sure ..
On another note, I drove to Lucan through the roundabout at the ARC Bar and noticed that building has started on the little section of land where I think the proposed drugs clinic was planned, across from St. Edmunds.

Anyone know if this is what it is?
do you know if a particular option has been selected? Also - are either of these (or both) close enough to Earlsfort / Colthurst etc? I saw Rosse Court on the map alright but wasn't quite sure ..
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Submissions from the public until the end of January 2008. Route Selection in March 2008. Route Option 2 would go past Earlsfort.
If I was a betting man I'd say Option 1 has already been decided as the preferred route.

MandaC - That's the Drug Treatment Clinic alright.
Yup - Option 1 would make more sense alright, as New Lucan will be served by the Arrow upgrade when it comes in.

Neither of these developments are forseen to be completed before 2012, AFAIK.

The infrastructure in the town could do with an upgrade too, though. I mean, for a town of its size, it could do with things like a swimming pool, a decent sized public library in the centre of town, and a much bigger public health clinic. The butchers shop in the village opposite Kennys has been closed for years, and could be turned into something more useful.
I grew up in old Lucan. Was back again last weekend.
I have to agree with Shrimp. New Lucan is a god-foresaken-hell-hole.
I understand those of you
who live there will reactively defend the place, but it's only because you don't know any better.
Most old Lucan people I know who bought in new Lucan a few years back moved out. Schools and traffic are the biggest problem. Collaiste Phadraig went to hell, I've heard (used to be ok when Brother Brian was in charge).

I live in Stockholm now, suburbs like Lucan. I live 14 kms from the city - like Lucan. It takes 12 minutes, I repeat 12 minutes, to get to the city centre by train, with 4 trains an hour. From there, there's subways everywhere. I can cycle on cycle lanes all the way to the city.

Lucan is the lowest point in all the bad planning for Ireland. It is the irish obsession with owning a front-and-back garden, and indifference to corruption that led to this monstrosity. Dublin is the size of LA and growing. If ever there is a recession, new Lucan will become a drugs-ridden Blancherstown.
Would have to agree that New Lucan is a bit downmarket alright, and likely to get a lot worse over the years. Old Lucan is a much nicer place to live, and if they ever get the Luas, I'd happily move back there.

The high point of facilities in New Lucan are the rather edgy Penny Hill pub, and the scramble that is Lidl !! If you like roundabouts and building sites though, you might warm to it.
i know many people who live in lucan and they say they cant get in or out of it in the mornings or the evening and have to use public transport to get to work, i personally dont like lucan, i remember when it was only the village and the rest was fields, ah them were the days, now its like a maze with very little room to breath. new estates being built almost daily and the same 2-3 roads havent been improved, whatever your descision make sure its a wise one, travel up there at rush hour times and get a feel for it
Interesting thread.
I grew up in old Lucan near Gubays (showing my age!) now Tesco shopping centre. Now live in New Lucan near Penny Hill.

New lucan IS a monument to greed and disgraceful planning. The main things I object to are:
* unimaginative streetscapes
* lack of resources like a post office, swimming pool, playgrounds, youth facilities, built (as opposed to prefab) schools etc in new lucan despite the growing population being an obvious outcome
* no litter wardens
* planning that forced people to rely on cars and the resultant traffic problems.

South Dublin Coco have determined that for the purposes of planning Clondalkin and Lucan are one, so many facilities provided there are not duplicated in Lucan - yet some people do not have cars to access Clondalkin and there is no direct bus route that I know of yet. A family member had to sign on recently and had to get 2 buses to Clondalkin yet it's only 4 miles distance.

In its favour, I have terrific neighbours in New Lucan, and very little antisocial activity in my estate. But I would move if I had the money as the commute to city is appalling and tiring. I agree wholeheartedly with post above about Stockholm - visited there this year and could not believe speed, cleanliness, reliability and joined-up-ness (!) of their public transport. Family friendliness in all their planning.
Lucan and Adamstown

I cannot comment personally on Lucan, but visited train station in Adamstown a few times. Is this award winning planning? I think anyone living in Lucan (New, Old, anywhere!) are lucky- you all got value for money.

According to a friend's partner who works in a local estate agents over there, many people have asked for deposits back and even cancelled contracts! (despite potential consequences)...

We could all learn from the Scandanavian model- but let's be thankful for front and back gardens!!

I think your been a bit unfair to lucan about facilities and transport.

Just because you cant get from clondakin on a bus to lucan, the 151 bus does get you close and also i can name a 100 other areas in Dublin where the same story applies! Like Rathfarhan to Donnybrook????

Also regarding facilities, there is plenty of facilities around for kids, skate board area, golf courses, parks, astro pitch, swimming pool on the way, golf courses and there are play grounds in the park and also another on the way!!

What facilties does Lucan not have that places like Rathmines, Rathfarham and all have??
New Lucan is a god-foresaken-hell-hole.etc.

New Lucan is a god-foresaken-hell-hole.

Really, such language in my experience is usually only reserved for places like Calcutta or Baghdad.

I understand those of you who live there will reactively defend the place, but it's only because you don't know any better.

Really so anyone who lives in new Lucan is either thick and/or uninformed? All 20,000 plus of us, if so, there is certainly thesis material here.. The examination of collective stupidity...

Most old Lucan people I know who bought in new Lucan a few years back moved out. Schools and traffic are the biggest problem.

Maybe that was because you could buy a house in new Lucan for 50K - 70k and they are now worth between 350k - 400k, or do people not move house in your world? I've bought three houses at this stage of my life.

Lucan is the lowest point in all the bad planning for Ireland. It is the irish obsession with owning a front-and-back garden, and indifference to corruption that led to this monstrosity.

Really, what other examples did you compare it against? Have you lived there personally? Is there a report and/or studies that prove or back up this point?

Dublin is the size of LA and growing. If ever there is a recession, new Lucan will become a drugs-ridden Blancherstown.

What is your justification for this assumption?
YOBR, you shouldn't be angry with me. It's Fianna Fail/PDs who deserve your wrath, as well as our town planners/councillers.

Really, such language in my experience is usually only reserved for places like Calcutta or Baghdad.

Dublin's average traffic speed is around the same as Calcuttas. Fact.

Really so anyone who lives in new Lucan is either thick and/or uninformed? All 20,000 plus of us, if so, there is certainly thesis material here.. The examination of collective stupidity...

They are not stupid at all - they made rational decisions, but were failed by bad planners. They had no better options. Suburban housing must supported by public transport (i.e., trains of some sort), and should be higher density (no front/back gardens).

Maybe that was because you could buy a house in new Lucan for 50K - 70k and they are now worth between 350k - 400k, or do people not move house in your world? I've bought three houses at this stage of my life.
Well done for you!

Really, what other examples did you compare it against? Have you lived there personally? Is there a report and/or studies that prove or back up this point?
If you bothered to read my message, you'll see that I grew up there (22+ yrs).

What is your justification for this assumption?
It's not an assumption, it's a fact. You don't seem to like facts.

Even Luas to Lucan (although great) is not a full solution. You need high density development, like Adamstown - but at reasonable prices, all around Dublin. Land should be bought from farmers with a reasonable (50%) premium over agricultural land - zoned as such by county councils. Govt backed housing boards (like credit unions of a sort) can then build the appartments (not houses) and then either rent them or sell them. Appartments must have a storage attic, a basement for communal storage (bikes, etc), and communal laundry facilities (not hanging your knickers in the sitting room).
Such developments, will probably never happen in Dublin. Pity, cause it's ruined many of my generation's quality of life - commuter hell with massive debt. Lucan being a great example of that.

Reference for Dublin/Calcutta traffic speeds. Note that this was in 2001, i'm sure dublin has much worse traffic now than then.

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Dublin-LA size reference:
Ok, here's a quick comparison of Lucan vs. where i live now.
I currently live in a suburb of Stockholm, same distance from city centre.
I have already mentioned public transport differences (4 trains per hour, 12 minutes to city centre) - i live 3 mins from the station. I live in Spånga. All distances are by time taken to walk to facility.

Swimming pool: is there one in Lucan yet? I used to go to Palmerstown. The community centre used to have one. Need car to get to pool.
Spånga pool: 2 mins walk from my appartment.

Spånga Library: 1 minute walk from my appartment
Lucan Library: no. Need car.

GAA in Lucan: Need car to get to Twelfth lock.
Soccer: some pitches scattered around Lucan.
Indoor sports: community centre (average 15-20 minute walk for people from old Lucan, same for many parts of new Lucan).

Spånga IP: Football pitch outdoors, 6 indoor football pitches, Hockey rink, full 400m running track: 3 mins walk
Spånga tennis/badminton/hockey/basketball: 2 mins walk.

Spånga is like every other suburb here. All facilities are near town centres with great public transport.

I'll leave out schools, for obvious reasons of the inadequacy of Lucan's schools.
Childcare here is also state-run, beside where I live and costs about 80 euro/month for all your kids (not per child!).

Never mind how long it takes to drive to facilities in Lucan due to the ubelieveably bad traffic. As a comparison with where I live, new Lucan is a hell hole. But to be honest, so are nearly all the outer suburbs in Dublin that don't lie on a good train line or dart line.
(ii). You indicated that "if ever there is a recession new Lucan will become a drugs-ridden Blancherstown". What is the justification or facts for this statements.

I dont think i need to reference socio-economic studies to show that in areas where there are a lack of organized activities for young people combined with economic hardship, young people turn to drugs. Lucan does not have adequate facilities for its young people, if there's a recession, then young people will turn to the obvious outlet - drugs.
As a comparison with where I live, new Lucan is a hell hole. But to be honest, so are nearly all the outer suburbs in Dublin that don't lie on a good train line or dart line.

So basically what your saying is, that all the outer suburbs of Dublin that don't lie on a train line or dart line are godforsaken hell holes to live in. Why feel the need to attack Lucan then, why don't you do it for every post on here for an area that falls within your "hell hole" criteria.

Good thing you moved Jamesblonde, Stockholm sounds just super. Don't think I'd be making quite a drastic move though, (tempting and all as not having to travel 5-10 mins in the car to the swimming pool is!)

I'm still happy as a pig in poop living in Lucan. Right now, off to Lidl to pick up a few bits.......
Have to agree with the sentiment of jamesblonde & shrimps comments about new Lucan. Have rented in Ballyowen for the last 6 years and couldn't honestly recomenend to anyone. Traffic is terrible and cant say they I find the amenities particulary above average. I think that perhaps God has frosaken this place, but that's probably because he got lost trying to navigate through all the roundabouts
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