Estates in Kinsealy

I always hear people moaning about the 43 bus route and it amazes me. I lived in Swords all my life until the last two years and had a choice between getting the 43 or the other Swords bus routes and would pick the 43 every time. I used to get the 7.50 bus in and would be in work in Dublin City for 9 no problem. There was the odd morning that it would be late but generally speaking it was grand...of course it may have gotten worse since I left.
Re Kinsealy/Melrose...they are grand estates and nice houses. They are not part of Drynam which is where I am from although there is a Mount Drinam up there. They are closer to Feltrim but unless they've changed it since I left their address was always Swords.
I personally would prefer to buy in that part of Swords as it's not as built up as the other side of Swords and being from Drynam I would prefer it over here. Have you had a look around the Foxwood area in Swords? It's right beside the Pavillions and you could get either the 41 or 43 into town or the 230 (if it still runs!) over to Malahide and get the Dart in to town.

Best of luck with the house hunting!
Does anyone know when these so called shops and creche facilities are coming into Drynam? Bought there over year ago and was told they'd be ready in a month or two - still waiting! As for the area, it's lovely and while not as convenient for rail it has more green areas and homely feel than many of the more expensive developments in the area (Belmayne and The Coast - boxes with no gardens, total rip off). 43 bus great in the morning thanks to new buses but not so good in the evening! Shame, only let down.
No snobbery here, just simple facts. However explain this. Roadstone is in feltrim, Drynam Hall is off Kettles lane either Cloghran or Swords, and Groose Hill off Pennock Hill which is in Swords townland. How come you must leave Kinsealy and pass through these other townland areas to get to another kinsealy? It is I suspect a real estate ploy as Kinsealy is in the townland area of Malahide and that in itself will drive prices up. Anyway I am only part of 4th Generation Kinsealy residences, they may have changed the townlands and not told anyone - it happens - as long as I still get my post and friends can find me I am happy

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"Kinsaley" don't know if that's a mistake or that they are in the townland of kinsaley and you are in the village of kinsealy and they have been wrong since they were built.It's nothing to do with swords anyway :) ye can sort your own mess out :D .
Does anyone know when these so called shops and creche facilities are coming into Drynam? Bought there over year ago and was told they'd be ready in a month or two - still waiting!

yes they are a long time coming allright. drove past tonight and i saw a sign in one of the windows - "convenience store... coming soon"

didnt say how soon, but at least its progress!
Regarding the shops and creche facilities.I believe the buiilder of these was Gannon and Not Menolly.There is an issue with vehicular access to the proposed new devleopment at the back of Drynam at the moment which may be why Ganon are holding up the opening of shops.

Residents Assoc in Drynam will have more info.
Sorry to dredge this thread up again. The building work for the Creche and medical centre are well under way but certainly not close to being finished.

I live in Melrose Park and I agree with the posters here there is a severe problem with a sense of identity. I put Swords on my address for post, not because I feel I live in Swords but my post does go to Swords post office for sorting, this is a fact. A friend of mine lives in Laois but near the Carlow border and her post is sorted in Carlow Post office, therefore she puts Carlow on her address, this doesn't mean she thinks she lives in Carlow.

My home is closest to the village of Swords than it is to Malahide village or St Nicholas of Myra church. However, my estate is in the Malahide garda stations zone for want of a better word. This means I have to go to Malahide station to get passport forms etc. stamped (although I usually chance my arm in Swords because it's more convenient).

The concepts of Feltrim and Drynam as geographical regions rather than residential areas is also a flaky one. I would consider Feltrim anywhere between the quarry and the junction of Malahide Road and Feltrim Road, I don't know how people that live in Myra Manor (or whatever that housing development is called) or those big (and a few small houses) refer to their location, possibly Malahide! I would consider Drynam to start on the Drynam road and stretch towards the roundabout, thus including Foxwood. Not sure how the Meliesan esate fits into this. I was under the impression people living in Drynam considered it a subset of Swords.

Ultimately the only geographical boundaries that are clearly laid out are Post Codes (D1, D17, D11 etc.) but as all this area is in the County dublin post code it doesn't apply. Therefore, it is almost at the land developers discretion whether he wants to call an area Malahide or Swords or something else. There is a similar problem in Dubliun 15 with people deciding new estates are in Mulhuddart rather than Blanchardstown and Coolmine rather than Clonsilla etc. etc. etc.

Where Kinsealy begins and ends I do not know, and this is further convoluted by the usage of the term Kinsaley.
Apparently people in Fingal County Council refer to it as Kinsealy-Drinan or Drinan. Bizarre.