ESB connection who's responsibility?


Registered User
Hi just a quick question , my house will be finished in approximately 2 months . The builder rang me yesterday giving me an MPRN number and told me to ring the ESB to get connected . When I rang the ESB and gave them the MPRN number they told me a domestic supply agreement had not yet been set up and she thought it was the builders responsibility to set it up. Has anyone had any experience with this. Should I set it up myself or leave it to the builder . i tried ringing him a few times today but his phone is turned off .

Yeah let the builder know what the ESB said. When we moved into our new house it was all set up for us in our names etc. which they get from the builders.
I am in the same boat. My house is finished. We all have to ring the ESB to register our MPRN numbers and ESB say it is up to builder to arrange connection. They are saying it could take four weeks.
The builder is supposed to set that up. Last time we purchased a new property, completion of sale was delayed by two months because ESB had a back log and refused to connect the development. Maybe this builder is using the potential purchasers to strong arm the ESB into action by getting an 101 people to ring??
we moved into our new house a few weeks ago but were held up for a couple of weeks because we hadn't arranged to get the electricity connected. We had assumed the builder did it but when we called him he said we had to call the ESB to arrange it. The builders organise getting the estate set up but we had to arrange for our own house to get connected before we could sign and move in
When I bought in a new development the builder gave me a form to complete for the ESB and he took it from there.
When I bought in a new development the builder gave me a form to complete for the ESB and he took it from there.

That may just be to speed up snagging/closing.

The same happened when we bought our first place.