Equivalent of Barry's Tea in Lidl/Aldi?


Registered User
Hi all,

I've run out of tea:-( Now that we are all looking after the pennies, I'd love to find a tea in Lidl/Aldi that tasted as good as Barry's. I like a Nice Cup of Tea(tm) (am Irish after all) so standards are high - any suggestions on what's good from experience?

I'd be interested to hear. A lot of Lidl/Aldi stuff is great but I've yet to impressed with their tea TBH.
Any Aldi/Lidl tea I tried was poor. Used to buy Tetley as it was nice and most often 100% extra free. Now get Lyons Decaf and find that to be the nicest but it's relatively pricey.

I agree. Barry's Tea is the best. Why not do as Norma Major used to do any re-use your teabags? If it's only going in for a brief dunk, you could get another twist or two from it!
I had to do a double-dip this morning! It's not the same unfort - second cup not nearly so nice:-(

Michaelm - decaf???? I couldn't possibly!

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The fairtrade tea from Tescos is nice and its cheaper than Lyons/Barrys......and it has that feel good factor!
Lidll/Aldi tea is awful in my opinion. Used to drink Barry's and then changed to Dunnes own brand as I found Barry's a bit bitter. Found Dunnes very good and its much cheaper than Barry's. But to be honest for really nice tea you need to use tea leaves; you can still get Lyons as tea leaves , I drink it in a relative's house but am too lazy to have it at home.
Thanks for all the suggestions - will try both the Tesco and Dunnes options once my current batch runs out!

Lidl do a nice tea, Lord Nelson natur (black) and also an orange tea. I believe it is Kenyan, and they both taste nice, they are individually wrapped tea bags. I believe they also do a loose tea, still waiting to try it.
try tescos value tea....... it's made by Barry's (or so a friend of mine who works in tescos told me)
Lidl do one I think its called McKinlays Gold Blend, its in a red box, just make sure its the one that says Gold Blend, I think its the nicest tea I ever tasted, I always bring it away with me cos I miss it otherwise.
out of interest, how much is barry's tea compared to an own brand? I love barry's tea and the day I can't afford to buy the teabags I want, is a day i hope I never see.
dunnes own brand teas are blended by barrys ( st bernards being the poorest ), not tescos. barrys would not associate with tescos in such a way after the delisting of a few of the products -_-
Now is the time to top up with Barrys Tea. 100 bags for the price of 60 at Supevalue this week
I buy Punjana from Tesco.. it's nice.

And the best thing is you can buy a big bag of 440 T-Bags!!! for only about 20% more than a 160 box!

So 80 bags cost about 2 Euro, 160 bags cost about 4 Euro, and 440 T-bags cost about 5 Euro... bargain!.. less than 2c a cup.

I drink loads of T...
Lidl do one I think its called McKinlays Gold Blend, its in a red box, just make sure its the one that says Gold Blend, I think its the nicest tea I ever tasted, I always bring it away with me cos I miss it otherwise.

Lidl do one I think its called McKinlays Gold Blend, its in a red box, just make sure its the one that says Gold Blend, I think its the nicest tea I ever tasted, I always bring it away with me cos I miss it otherwise.

Barrys was the only tea for me. I could never drink anything else but after discovering the lidl red gold blend pack I think its even better than Barry's.
Thanks for all the suggestions - will try both the Tesco and Dunnes options once my current batch runs out!


Aldi Tea is called McGraths, well the one I tried was and it was vile. Bewleys clipper tea in is nice and always on offer in tesco 120 teabags for 2.89 for the green one