Entitled to rent allowance?


Registered User
Hi guys

Thought i'd ask here first in relation to rent allowance. I'm thinking of moving out with my sister soon. She's starting college and getting disability benefit. So she'll be entitled to rent allowance.
I'm starting work next week but its only 3 days a week making roughly €220 plus about €50 if i get JB for the days i don't work.

Would i be entitled to rent allowance? many of the two bed places i've looked at in cork are min €800 per month so i doubt we could afford to move out if i didn't receive it. (0h and we're only looking for a two bed place, not sharing with others).

thanks in advance
Hi, i know this is prob the most annoying answer, but you will have to go to the CWO in the area you hope to rent the house. there are different rent ceiling s for different areas as far as i know.
Rent allowance is done on a means basis, but ig u earning approx 270 per week, and paying 100rent, i could see them giving you much if anything!

What i find annoying about the complete situation is you need to get a landlord to sign the forms in order to get the rent allowance, but most landlordds wont sign anything until he/she gets a deposit, where oh where are ye to come up with 1600 between ye!!??...sorry thats for letting off steam!