Engaging with a debt management company V's dealing with creditors yourself


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I have some unsecured debts I am looking to reschedule repayments on and over the past few weeks have engaged the help of a debt management company. I have already paid a few hundred Euro for their services and will continue to pay them a small amount each month to manage my accounts.

So far, they have been very successful in negotiating a payment plan on all debts. I in the past have not been so successful.

What is their secret?

I on the other hand would love to know what they have that I don't, as it would cost me less money each month by not paying them but actually paying my creditors directly but I just don't seem to have the same swaying power they do.

Is it wise to stick with the debt management company after coming this far or should I just go it alone and pay directly? I am worried that I will have to reengage them when the PIA bill comes into law.
I have been an advocate of debt management companies in the past but knowing what I know now I would contact creditors directly. Most are eager to settle debts. Send all your offers by post.