enforcment of maintenance. no address

This is very interesting. could you please tell me what further legal avenues are?

Have a look at this thread:

If his parents do not have any contact with him then you are down to a private investigator, friends, social networking sites etc...

Think about this, where did he last work? Presumably the new place would have phoned the old place for a reference (I know in my office we usually know where someone went to a new job) - you could call them and ask where his new job is, then either show up or follow him from it home.

What about the telephone directory, if he has a land line he may be listed?

You must have some way of contacting someone who knows or knew him?
His parents have obviously been told not to tell you where he is. You need to be clever to get this information from them.

Use you head and you can save on PI costs - only use a PI as a last resort.

Call his old work and ask to speak to him - no doubt someone will tell you he's moved on and tell you where to. Dont need to make up any elaborate story. I think if you ring up most places and say "I'd like to talk to X", if he's not there, they'll tell you where he went almost automatically.

You probably know some friends and relatives of his and where they generally hang out. A bit of leg work yourself and he shouldnt be too difficult to trace. Ask around and someone will tell you. You are also likely to bump into him.
Can you not just get the maintenance summons sent to his parents address as his last known address or is that just too simple, I always thought once registered post is signed for it is seen as accepted.
Registered post can be refused Cashstrapped.

AFAIK you're better to send a letter by snail mail as it's seen to have been delivered once it is given to An Post. Some of the legal experts out there would be better to advise on this = it's just been my experience in the past.
Thanks. I'll try that. Just wondering if I can post maintenance summons to his work address? Would it be enough?
Can you not just get the maintenance summons sent to his parents address as his last known address or is that just too simple, I always thought once registered post is signed for it is seen as accepted.
you're better to send a letter by snail mail as it's seen to have been delivered once it is given to An Post. Some of the legal experts out there would be better to advise on this
I'll probably gonna use express post or courier post. They give proof of delivery and ask for recipient signature.
Hi my ex sounds similar to yours constantly changing address i always give either his parents address or his sisters address to the court. Registered letters can be refused but they are more likely to accept it as they won't know what is in the envelope, curiosity will more than likely get the better of them. I would give his parents address and if it's refused well at least you tried.
This seems pretty obvious - but he will have a PPS number right? Which will point to an address - cant social services track it through that?