Energy Bill with 'Network Heating Charge'


Registered User
Sorry if this has been covered anywhere before. I've looked through 25 pages of threads and can't find an answer (maybe I'm blind).

Anywho, just received an energy bill from Dalkia for €74.43 for a 45 day period. That might not sound like much to some but every cent counts for me. It breaks down as

Heat Usage Charge (kWh X rate) 594.6 x €0.036000 = €21.41 + VAT @ 13.50 = €24.30

Network Heat Charge 712 x €0.036000 = €29.09 Inc VAT
Standing Charge 45 days x €0.412000 = 21.04 Inc VAT

I'm new to renting this premises but it has a communal heating system. I have queried the above "Network Heating Charge" with Dalkia and have been told it will vary during the year and is a charge to pump the gas around the apartment complexes pipes. Is this normal is anyones experience? The apartment block is fully occupied so essentially each apartment would be paying these fees. I'm just shocked that I'm effectively paying more to have someone pump gas than to me than to use the gas itself. When queried the Dalkia CSR said they were 'trying to be transparent' in formulating the billing costs. Any help/opinions greatly appreciated as I'm not in the mood to be ripped off by any more service providers/management companies again.
..I may be misunderstanding this, but are you sure it's for gas ? Have you got your own actual gas boiler ?
My understanding is that 'communal heating' is for HEAT, delivered through pipes, from a communal boiler (whether gas or other powered.......)......or am I wrong here ?
Hi galwaytt, thanks for the reply. It is described as a heating charge and it is using a communal boiler. When queried they stated it was gas used to power the central communal boiler. I know I sound simple saying this but we don't experience any 'heating' in the apartment without turning on the rads. There appears to be no automatic underfloor heating. Hot water is gas based and although I know when I turn on a tap the water is heated (which has to be supplied) the charge for this appears exorbitant. Just wondering if anyone has heard of this charge being levied, either separately of included in units used, on a bill as from looking around other forums Dalkia's billing appears extremely high and for many unjustifiable.
..Juris.......I see what you mean. What you're actually being billed for is delivered energy, not gas. In which case, is there a meter on your apartment, or is it just the communal bill, divided by the no of units (apartments) ?

If no separate metering is in place, then I have to say, it does sound unjust, as you really should only pay for what you're actually using.