Energia & Government €200 Credit


Registered User
Just got my energia electricity bill and it states the following:
Sub total before vat €119.26
Vat on €119.26 @9% 10.73

Government Electricity Credit €176.22
Vat on €176.22 @9% 15.86CR

Citizens info site says:
The payment will be automatic, and you will not need to apply for it. The €200 credit (including VAT) will be paid between April and June 2022.

I know the vat charge of €15.86 is shown as a credit but is this all correct lads
Yeah originally it was €200 when Vat was at 13.5%, so approx €176.22 +13.5% VAT = €200
Now it looks less as the VAT was reduced to 9%
Same difference to us, just less VAT going back to government.