Endowment policy



Is there a lobby group in Ireland for people who have problems with the performance of endowment policies.

If I have a policy which has performed very badly due to excessive charges which I wasn't aware of (13% of my premium every year) and due to the poor performance of the fund (7% in the last year).

I was aware that the policy may not pay off the mortgage but was not aware of the massive charges being applied. How likely am I to be treated favouralby if I make a complaint?
Not sure about a lobby group but if you have a problem (e.g. consider that the policy was missold or that not all details were divulged possibly in breach of legislation at the time) then you should complain (in writing) to the intermediary who sold you the policy and/or the policy underwriter and if/when you exhaust their complaints processes go to [broken link removed] or the [broken link removed].