Endowment Plans Secondhand Purchasers


Registered User
Anybody know of a Company still involved in the purchase of Endowment / With Profit Policies?. In particular a policy with Scottish Provident.


I looked at this last July and all I can remember is there were some company names in the Golden / Yellow pages.

Two main companies:
Endowment exchange Ltd, Ogonnolloe, scarrif, Clare MD, Andy O'Loghlin 087 261 7705

Teppco (part of IFG) Dublin. MD Tom O'Mahony 1850 59 59 59
I discovered these companies dont buy the modern unit linked policies such as a standard life endowment (post ssia) .
Apparently these new ones are not transferable to new owners and also have less guarantees than the old versions making them less valuable.