Employers being understanding about the weather conditions

I don't know if there was something crucial or important that was delayed as a result of the lateness.

Somehow, I doubt there was a patient on the operating table, awaiting PB22's arrival . Most other things can wait.

PixieBEan22 said:
hr said they'd rather people didn't call because they didn't have time to be fielding these calls at that time of the morning.


Cos we all know how busy HR are ?

If they weren't able to get to their day job cos they were fielding calls from absentee colleagues .. the bond markets would implode ?
Just wondering if anyone is up against a mean boss who thinks that everyone else should be in work regardless of the weather conditions?

I recall many moon ago (about 12years ago), making an effort to get to work from D15 over to Bray. I left an hour earlier so was allowing myself 2 full hours to get there. I used to go over the mountains....the north of the city wasn't too bad but the mountains were awful & it took me ages as the rioad were windy & steep. I was about 15mins late into work.

Not too bad, I thought.....I'd made it & half the office were still not in. But my boss gave out yards to me about being late (it was NOT the norm for me) and basically screamed at me for 10 mins, saying it's my own fault for living where I lived and should have given ample time etc.

Did I mention I was 8 months pregnant at the time?


No, no patient on the operating table, just a 'puter to turn on
Well there are very few professions that would be so time dependent that 10 minutes would make a huge difference. In saying that though I am not condoning people being late on a continuous basis and expecting their employer to put up with it. I have never been late aside from this morning so a bit of understanding (given the weather conditions and the state our public transport system descends into during these conditions) would've been appreciated.
We sent around an email saying that people should use their common sense in their commute.

I live on a slight incline and could not get out of the driveway and up the slight incline. Car wheels just kept spinning so eventually I had to give up.

It took me an hour to get out of driveway and out of estate and then only 20 minutes to get into work.

We have people come from Cavan, Navan and they got in, yet some did not come in from Tallaght.
yet some did not come in from Tallaght.

There were some areas of Tallaght that were dreadful this morning. A friend drove his wife to work and mentioned areas of Tallaght where people had to get out of their cars and help others push their cars out of rough spots.
Did I mention I was 8 months pregnant at the time?

You should have let out a scream of pain that you were probably going into labour and with very few staff around he would probably have to deliver the baby because you would not make it to the hospital in time

You might be surprised how many AAMers agree with that statement!

Sarcasm, humour or whatever why does yet another AAM thread have to be brought back to the extremely boring public -v- private sector argument
There were some areas of Tallaght that were dreadful this morning. A friend drove his wife to work and mentioned areas of Tallaght where people had to get out of their cars and help others push their cars out of rough spots.

I used to live in firhouse and while i've never seen weather like this before in my adult life, anytime the weather deteriorated even slighty there was traffic chaos, it is quite a hilly area, particularly up around hunterswood and the various housing estates.
@ pixiebean22 - should you not be in bed. You have to be up at 5 to make sure you get in on time tomorrow!

I walked through the area last January, well Kilnamanagh mostly and they get bad snow to be sure. But then the county council works for you so call the councillor you voted for

Tell them to call the county manager and then you call a few minutes afterwards.
The squeakly wheel gets their road gritted
Well folks I have fallen victim ti the weather. Couldn't get the car down the driveway this morning. About 2 feet of snow fell last night, it snowed from around 8 until 10 and then 11 onwards, woke up at 5 this morning and it was still snowing. We managed to get the car out of the shed after about 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes to get around the house and onto the driveway, as we made our way down the sheltered part of the driveway the car kept getting stuck in the snow and then when we got to the open part we just couldn't move because the snow was so thick. Visibility was also very poor with the snow still fallling.

We tried again at around 7 (so I could try and make the later train and be about 2 hours late for work) but it was the same again, our tyre tracks from earlier had been covered up as well.

So there you have it, my efforts to get to work this morning.