Employer AVCs or can I choose my own provider?


Registered User
I am interested in contributing to an AVC scheme and wondered if I am obliged to use the Public Sector AVC scheme my employer has set up or can I choose my own provider? If it is possible, are there any pros or cons to choosing one over the other? I would be comparing management fees etc. if shopping around.
Instead of joining the “employer associated”AVC, you could establish a PRSA AVC with a provider of your choice. The possible disadvantages of this are:
- you won’t get tax relief under the net pay system
- you have to apply directly to Revenue for your tax relief (perhaps by making a tax return at the end of each year).
Its possible that you might be able to negotiate a better deal with a PRSA AVC.
Thank you Conan, that is very helpful. I did not know that tax relief could only be given at source if contributing to the employer AVC. Having to apply for tax relief separately is off-putting for sure.
Thank you Conan, that is very helpful. I did not know that tax relief could only be given at source if contributing to the employer AVC. Having to apply for tax relief separately is off-putting for sure.

You can get your tax credits adjusted by Revenue so that the relief is given at source through your pay. See GSheehy's reply in this thread:

Many thanks Early Riser, that's good to know. Sounds like it might be worth my while shopping around to compare management fees.