Employee Tax Credit


Registered User
My husband and I have a company, he owns 100% of the capital and I own none.
As the spouse of a propriety director I am not entitled to claim the employee tax credit.
But I have been offered a part time role in a totally separate organisation where I will be an employee.
I thought I would be able to claim the Employee Tax Credit for this employment but the tax office have just told me I am not entitled to it.
Surely that cant be right ?
That would mean then that every proprietary director and their spouses are not entitled to the tax credit regardless of their source of income??
I'd appreciate some advice on this - have just spent ages on the phone to revenue.
You are entitled to the PAYE Cr in your other job. It may be that given it's the 14 of December they won't grant it for 2016 as you already have the earned income credit. Check it for 2017.
The Revenue person I spoke with checked twice as I kept telling her she was wrong and she refused to allocate the credit for 2016.
And she said I wasn't entitled to it for 2017.
The earned income credit is for a lesser amount though so I should still have unused part for 2016.
Dont know what to do now !!
As your husband has to file a Form 11 you can claim the PAYE Credit for 2016 on that.

I'd ring again in January with your new employers Registration number and ask to have the PAYE Tax Credit allocated against this employment.