Emergency Tax Claiming


Registered User
Hi all ,

Hope someone can help with my query as im not really up on tax issues..Basically started a new job last week,get paid every 2 weeks so hopefully should be paid this friday. I have not received my P45 from my old company hence haven to been able to give it to my new company yet(my old company assure me it will be in the post shortly).

Basically my 2 question's are will i be emergency taxed on my wages on friday?

Secondly If i am on emergency tax how do i claim this back?or will my new company do this once ive issued them my P45?


I think the payroll people at the new place sort it out after they receive your Certificate of allowances which should have been sent to you at the start of the new year. You will be able to tell if you are on emergency tax as your tax code on your payslip should have an 'E' in front of it.
Yes i received my certificate of tax but it showed my employer as my previous employer as i have just started with my new employer..Do i have to get revenue to issue my new employer with this certificate?or is this possible? I should get my P45 fairly soon so this should sort out any issues yes?I dont mind paying emergency tax for a few weeks but not sure how i go about claiming it back?
I believe that once your current employer gets a correct certificate of tax your payroll people will sort it all out.....it happened to me a couple of years ago, Ithink I had to request a new cert but I had my P45 at the time.
The first thing you need to do is to ensure that your new employer has your PPS number. You are then entitled to weekly SRCOP of €616 and weekly tax credit of €32 for the first 4 weeks employment. By this time hopefully you will have things sorted. When your new employer gets your Cert of SRCOP and Credits your emergency tax paid will balance out as PAYE is then calculated on a cumulative basis
The tax credit you get if you provide you employer with a PPS number is a fixed €34 per week with a cut off point of a fixed €654 per (i.e. you can earn €634 per week before you pay higher rate tax) for the first four weeks, for the next 4 weeks you get the same cut off point but you do not get a tax credit. after that you get neither, but hopefully your tax credits will be sorted by then. He is obliged to operate this system. When your new employer receives your new tax credits, providing they are normal it will all recitfy itself.