
Shem said:
It really surprises me how you can't work this out, especially about the 88 lines you get a week for £5.

1/49th share of 88 lines for £5, right?
Say on Wedneday, they would buy 44 tickets for the 49 players. Why? because the syndicate already has 5 numbers. Assuming the numbers are 1-5, they bonus ball numbers will then be 6-49. So that's how you get 44 tickets. 88 for both Wed and Sat. If your syndicate matches the numbers 1-5, and remember your syndicate is guaranteed the bonus ball numbers 6-49, then your syndicate wins the Jackpot. Remember also that one ticket will be the winning ticket. The rest of the 43 tickets will have different combinations like 5 numbers matched without the bonus ball and so on.

Say, if you went to the shop and matched the Numbers 1-5 yourself, you would only win the 5 ball prize. You won't have to share it with 49 people, but if the syndicate with the 49 players matches the 1-5, each individual member of that 49 player syndicate will clearly win more than that person who just matched five on their own in the shops.

That on-top of the fact that you also get two individual free goes each week to win a grand if you match five on the free goes, plus the fact that you can get away with playing each week for free, and earn commissions at the same time, from anywhere in the world, as long as you are connected online and your country of residence doesn't have strict laws against lotteries etc, is why I can't understand why anyone would think that is a bad deal!

ok I said earlier that I will stop this debate but I had to reply to the earlier post.
This is the breakdown of where your money goes with Elottery.

All subscription payments / Winnings or Commissions Earned are all paid in British Pounds Sterling.

The breakdown for each subscription is:

36% Lottery entry costs.

50% Commission paid out to members for promoting the E-Lottery System instead of expensive TV, Newspaper advertising etc.

4% Members incentives, (Free Syndicates etc.).

10% Company overheads & Profits.

This is a direct reply from VMD. This might help you make up your minds about whether it is a sound idea or not.

Shrek31 said:
36% Lottery entry costs.
This is just crazy - one-third of the money actually goes into the lottery, and Shem still thinks that this is a good deal. Shem - Please show us the maths that you used to prove that investing 1/3 of your money in lottery tickets gives you a better chance of winning than investing 3/3 of your money in tickets.
Shem said:
...I can't understand why anyone would think that is a bad deal!
For those whose commissions and 'free' entries are coming out of the subs paid in by the mugs below them, sure.

Number 1. I think some people have far too much time on their hands to debate over things. The sooner that people realise that when someone doesnt understand something, they knock it. And knocking Network Marketing is very common on this forum because those that don't understand it, knock it! And who needs to debate with those sorts of people!

Have you people nothing better to do than to rant and rave and complain about things you have the brain capacity to understand??

I have seen Euphony knocked to shreads here! ( Great Company. With them as a customer for years, and delighted with the service! )
I have seen Kleeneze knocked to shreads here! ( Another great company. Turning over 150 million a year. Products that people buy, and a business opportunity that many many people have did well out of.)

I could go on and mention other companies, but I've given enough for example, so people of average intelligence can get the picture!

And the opinions here are so full of authority and final! If you dont know what you are commenting on, then do everyone a favour and dont bother commenting! It's okay to say I I dont know or I have no experience there, etc. But to continually down grade companies and opportunities because of a complete lack of knowledge is indeed, very very STUPID.

dillon1876 said:
Have you people nothing better to do than to rant and rave and complain about things you have the brain capacity to understand??
I think you've left out a "don't" somewhere in that sentance.

If you'd like to explain how losing 2/3rds of your subscription in fees makes it a good investment, I'm sure we'll all be delighted to hear it.
RainyDay said:
I think you've left out a "don't" somewhere in that sentance.

If you'd like to explain how losing 2/3rds of your subscription in fees makes it a good investment, I'm sure we'll all be delighted to hear it.

Yes, I left a "dont" out. Thanks for pointing that out, yet another example of narrow mindness and smart ass attitudes.

And no, I have not the time nor the desire to debate with you about a £5 weekly investment. Because debating with you would be a waste of time as far as I can gather from your previous posts.

I admire anyone that can look at different opportunities with an open mind and would welcome a discussion with anyone without that constant critical everything's a a scam attitude. Those attitudes never get you very far in life! So argue and debate with someone that will listen to you!

Bye now!
dillon1876, I've been pestered by a few MLM evangelists in my time — including Euphony and Kleeneze 'consultants' — but I don't recall any of them ever telling me I was 'stupid' or 'didn't have the brains to understand' their schemes...

I hope your business manner in your other ventures is a little more nuanced!
In reference to your posts, theres a forum that VWD affiliates use at [broken link removed]

Might find it interesting to get members views

Maybe dillon1876 could do us all a favour and head over to that forum instead of habitually breaking here.
I love this thread! How difficult is it to understand the logistics of the system??? I didnt even know about e-lottery until 3 weeks ago. I joined and went away for my hols and when i got back i had a cheque for £334
My girlfriend joined Elottery Euromillions and won £79 on her first go!
I will not go into the maths but jeez a big debate about £5 a week!
I already have 5 players joined through my website and i play for free now! I guess the people who dont understand have not bothered to learn that you dont win just once but many times.
I would rather a share of a few thousand than a share of nothing!
Please continue this thread guys its so much fun to read!
First time poster singing the praises of a scheme that some people have questioned the merit of. Hmmmm.... Draw your own conclusions folks...
Please check out this post before judging

[broken link removed]
Actually only one contributor suggested that it was a scam. I can't see that anybody suggested that it might be illegal.