Key Post Electric Vehicle Glossary


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Electric Vehicle Glossary of Terms

  • AC (Alternating Current): A charge of electricity that regularly changes direction, which is the kind of power that comes from the power plant to homes and businesses.
  • AER (All-Electric Range): The range of any EV solely using electricity.
  • Battery Management System: An electronic system within the Vehicle that manages and protects the battery.
  • BEV (Battery Electric vehicle): Also known as an “All-electric” vehicle BEV’s utilize energy that is stored in rechargeable battery packs. BEV’s sustain their power through the batteries and therefore must be plugged into an external electricity source in order to recharge.
  • CHAdeMO: see JEVS G105-1993 below
  • Charge Circuit Interrupting Device (CCID): A safety protection component within an EVSE that reduces the chance of a person getting an electric shock.
  • Combined Charging System: Another method to quickly charge electric vehicles through a special electric connection. CCSs often use the SAE J1772, which is the North American electrical standard for Electric Vehicles.
  • DC (Direct Current): A charge of electricity that flows in one direction and is the type of power that comes from a battery.
  • EREV (Extended-range electric vehicles): Vehicles that have the ability to run on a gasoline engine if the battery gets low
  • EV (Electric Vehicle): A broad category that includes all vehicles that are fully powered by Electricity or an Electric Motor.
  • EVB (Electric Vehicle Battery): A battery that is used to power the movement of a BEV.
  • EVD: Electric Vehicle Driver
  • EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment): Infrastructure designed to supply power to EVs. EVSE can charge a wide variety of EVs including BEVs and PHEVs.
  • GHG (Green House Gas): A gas such as Carbon Dioxide that contributes to global warming through the absorption of infrared radiation.
  • HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicles): An HEV utilizes a dual system of electric propulsion and an internal combustion engine.
  • ICE (Internal Combustion Engine): An ICE is powered by combustible fuel, often petroleum or natural gas products.
  • ICEV (Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle): All vehicles that are powered by Fossil Fuels are ICEVs.
  • IEC 62196: Also known as the Mennekes, it is a type of connector that is used to charge Electric Vehicles in Europe.
  • JEVS G105-1993: Also known as CHAdeMO, it is a method developed to quickly charge Electric Vehicles through the use of a special adapter that delivers up to 62.5 kW. This is used in Japan.
  • kW (Kilowatt): A unit of electric power.
  • Level 1 Charging: Charging your EV using a common household outlet up to 120v. Level 1 is the slowest method of charging and can take up to 24 hours or more to fully charge your EV.
  • Level 2 Charging: Charges your EV at 240v using an installed outlet. Level 2 chargers are the most recommended chargers to EV owners. Depending on your EV model and charger, Level 2 can give you vehicle 5x as quickly as Level 1 which translates to up to 26 miles per hour of charging.
  • Level 3 Charging: Also known as DC charging, the fastest method of charging for all EVs. It can fully charge an EV battery in about half an hour. Level three chargers are currently rare as they’re very expensive and require more power.
  • LIB (Lithium-ion battery): Also known as a Li-ion, it is a common rechargeable battery.
  • Molten salt battery: A type of battery that utilizes molten salts as an electrolyte.
  • NEV (Neighbourhood Electric Vehicle): BEV’s that are limited to streets with lower speed limits, typically around 45mph. NEV’s are all-electric and can be recharged using a standard outlet.
  • NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride): A less reliable rechargeable battery.
  • Off-Peak Charging: Charging your electrical vehicle at certain lowest cost off-peak hours.
  • PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles): PHEVs contain a battery that is able to be charged with an external electric power source, PHEV’s are a mixture of all-electric vehicles and ICEV’s.
  • Range Anxiety: Worry or stress that is caused due to the fear that an electric car will run out of battery power before the destination is reached.
  • Regenerative braking: A method of braking used by EVs in which energy from the braking of the vehicle is stored and used.
  • SAE J1772: The standard North American electrical connection for Electric Vehicles. It generally works with Level 1 and Level 2 systems.
  • Tesla Supercharger: A super-fast charging system that can provide up to 120 /150 kW directly to the car’s battery. Currently, these systems are only available to Teslas.
  • V2G (Vehicle-to-grid): A system that allows Electric Vehicles to communicate with the power grid to manage the flow of electricity in either direction.
  • VRLA battery (valve-regulated lead-acid battery): A rechargeable lead-acid battery.