Election posters and party affiliations



There was a time when election posters put “Party First” then the candidate’s name(s). I may be mistaken or my eyesight may be failing, but these days I find it hard to spot the party affiliations of a lot of ‘heads’.
Sinn Fein and the Socialists highlight their party with headline banner taking up about one fifth of the poster.
Labour at least use colour coding with one quarter of the poster emblazoned in red but the name, in type, is less prominent.
Fine Gael have somewhere around one tenth of the poster area assigned to their party name.
The Pee Dee’s are smaller again.
But the prize, for “hiding your light under a bushell” has to go to the soldiers of destiny, Fianna Fail.

Am I too cynical in thinking that party name is regarded as a plus in accordance with size?
FF have the money to have full colour posters with a blue (right wing?) background, ensuring their success.
Some are 'masquerading' as independents or paupers by appearing in 'black and white'!
Those running for election use their party as a tool. If it will help the cause it'll be big and bold. SF seem to think the Party will help their unknown candidates garner some votes, so the name is Prominent.

The FF candidates would rather not have to mention the party they're in. It's good for the core vote, but for anyone but Core FF voters the party is a huge liability so they are doing their best to conceal which party they represent on the posters.

On the drive through Carlow this morning I saw SF posters with just Gerry Adams on them. I didn't realise he was running for the Co. Council in Carlow. Fair play!!!!

In Monaghan of course there's the utimate stunt. The FF candidates last I heard were planning on running as independants in protest at the treatment of the hospital. Any guesses for how they'll vote or how quickly they'll re-join the party on being elected.

If you live in Monaghan don't fall for this. If you don't want to vote for Government candidates, then don't. But don't fall for this con.

I'm very dissapointed with the Independant MEP candidates in Leinster (sorry, East). Justin "RTE's Token Right Wing Loony" Barett, And some other guy who's going to stop Paedophelia, and apparently think's it's a very funny issue judging by the grin on his face.

It's a depressing election that's serving no purpose other than to litter the countryside with thousands of hideous eyesores of posters.

And the Vote Yes/No posters haven't even gone up yet!
