" Elastilon " Underlay For U/F Heating


Registered User
Having benefitted hugely from shopping around, I am now almost exhausted from the effort, and hoping to spare myself another round of phonecalls, am wondering if anyone knows where I can purchase the above underlay for under 15 euros a metre?
I'm assured by my local flooring shop that there are two types - a dear one and a cheap one, and that he only would sell the former as the other is "no good" He may be telling me the truth, but he may also be afraid I'll get it cheaper somewhere else.
In fairness to him, I didn't get all my wood floors from him.
Anyone able to help? Thanks in advance.
You need to use Elastilon Strong with U/F heating. I bought it from Noyeks the price was around €300.00 for a 25 sq. mtr roll. You can also try Brooks.
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