Eircom Broadband rollout mystery!



Why is it not possible to find out when Eircom will be introducing broadband to any individual telephone exchange? Surely they have an operational plan that allows them to know sometime in advance when whatever work will be done to any exchange. Why no transparency on this subject?

...just in case some kind person has the inside track, I have a particular interest in Killaloe (Co. Clare), which has 061 as the initial number.
Forget about eircom and their stupid broadband rollout. Can't believe they are trumpeting this 100,000 (or whatever) broadband customers stuff after they held up the introduction of DSL for years.
If Eircom told everybody when broadband was coming to Killaloe, it would allow their competitors compete with Eircom for customers.


There is someone called Gombin over on boards.ie who appears to have some idea of the Eircon BB rollout. Have a look over there.

Eircon and competition? Oil and water.