Eddie Hobbs and Tony Taylor

I've edited my previous post to remove references to content of a private message from Bank Manager to me.

Bank Manager - I've removed your subsequent post as it also referred to this information. Feel free to repost your response.
I think the point is he never was a poacher. Perhaps the best gamekeepers are the ones who saw poachers up close.
I don't see anything in Eddie's past that i would call a weakness or a problem.

I mean it in terms of people being aware he formerly worked in the industry.

Various whispers do the rounds, both positive & negative about Eddie Hobbs. Personally, I dont know the fella and never had any dealings with him, so I won't repeat any of them, either way.


http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=13123 - €145 min for free !
Dirt will always come out on people who stand up to be counted. But if we agree with what the man says, and we believe he means it, then that is the important thing. In this case he is standing up for the Irish consumer and trying to get us all to stand together to change some aspects of the way the country is run for the better.
shnaek said:
Dirt will always come out on people who stand up to be counted.

My question is, did this "dirt" come out when he was fronting the "Show me the Money" programme and showing up consumers for getting into unreasonable amounts of debt and for having unrealistic spending behaviours?

Or is it only coming out now when he's showing up the Government and big business and vested interests as being the alleged reasons behind Ripoff Ireland?

A conspiracy me thinks!!!!
Bank Manager

Perhaps you would like to make a comment on the initial matters you raised in the light of the additional information provided in this thread, of which I assume you were not aware?

The endowment mortgage part of this thread regarding Eddie Hobbs is interesting.

Eddie was Sales Director/National Sales manager at one point with Eagle Star.

During his tenure in that lofty position his employer launched their version of the endowment mortgage product.

He actively marketed it.

It carried collosal costs.

My final remark on this. Go figure the rest of it yourselves.

My initial view holds - would make an interesting topic on his programme, but like I've already said I think we all agree he's unlikely to cover it. BM
Bank Manager

Your "initial view" was some sort of implication that Eddie was a participant in wrongdoing. When this has been shown to be demonstrably not the case, you still hold your "initial view". This is disappointing. The great thing about Askaboutmoney is that people can make statements or express "initial views" which are completely mistaken and they can have them corrected by other contributors. If you have any grounds for your "initial view", you should specify them.

It is unfair for an anonymous contributor to cast aspersions on a public figure without one whit of evidence for those aspersions.


I have tried to "go figure". There are a few possible explanations. I don't know which is correct, but perhaps you could shed some light on which is correct?

1) Eddie is a hypocrite. He has no interest in the consumer. He consciously screwed the consumer when he was in Eagle Star and his unpaid work for the Consumers Association and his campaign which killed off endowment mortgages were all some sorts of con or stunt.

2) Eddie behaved just like the rest of the financial services industry at the time. He promoted high charging products to maximise the profitability of his employer. He had some sort of conversion and realised that these products were not in the interests of consumers and changed from being a poacher to a gamekeeper. He blew the whistle.

3) Maybe endowment policies were actually a good idea at one time? I certainly had one and later campaigned against endowment mortgages. The main change for me was not because of some religious conversion, but because the tax relief on life assurance premiums was withdrawn and also because I came to understand the products a bit better.

I suspect it's 2) or 3) but I don't actually know.

Lads, all i can say is that the program comes accross as a program for kids who are being talked down to by a lofty school teacher.
Bottom line, the guy isn't a great TV presenter. I felt compelled to switch off the TV last night it got so annoying.

Dumbest moment of the program. The Nun who runs the treatment centre saying that Dublin was the biggest catchment area for people who had drink issues. the greater Dublin area probably has half the population of the country at this stage....its not exactly a shocker to see the biggest population centre by far ,providing the biggest number of people to a treatment program!

Opps, should have
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legend99 said:
Lads, all i can say is that the program comes accross as a program for kids who are being talked down to by a lofty school teacher.
Bottom line, the guy isn't a great TV presenter. I felt compelled to switch off the TV last night it got so annoying.
I guess that this should go in the review thread(s) but I have to agree - I personally find it very hard to listen to EH for more than a few minutes on TV as I find that his presentation style really grates with me.
I find that his presentation style really grates with me.

I find is presentation style a welcome relief from the kind of presenters that RTE have thrown up (pun intended) over the years.

Out of curiousity do you think your dislike of his presentation is affected by whether you agree or disagree with what he's saying? Or do you find he grates even when you agree with him. Of course if you never agree with him we won't be able to get to the bottom of this.

daltonr said:
Out of curiousity do you think your dislike of his presentation is affected by whether you agree or disagree with what he's saying?
No - as I've already said it's his style and not his content that irritates me. I have mentioned this before on AAM, the first time many years ago. It's just a personal opinion and observation and I certainly don't expect everybody to agree with me or anything like that.
Or do you find he grates even when you agree with him. Of course if you never agree with him we won't be able to get to the bottom of this.
Sorry - I don't know what you're getting at here.
Or do you find he grates even when you agree with him. Of course if you never agree with him we won't be able to get to the bottom of this.

Nothing sinister. I was just waying that if you never agreed with him we'd have no control sample to see if it was his content or his style that got you. If you know it's his style not content then that answers my question.

I have similar feelings towards John O Donoghue, but since I never agree with him I don't know if it's his style or content. Similar problem with Jackie Healey Ray. With Joan Burton I sometimes do agree so it's defintiely her style I have a problem with, although I wouldn't hold it against her too much.

I like Eddie though, both style and content.

daltonr said:
Nothing sinister. I was just waying that if you never agreed with him we'd have no control sample to see if it was his content or his style that got you.
I didn't realise that by expressing an preference I would be the subject of a scientific vivisection style laboratory study. I must bear that in mind next time I express an opinion in one of these threads.
Oh for Pete's sake it was just a question, I was just curious. Remember when curiousity and discussion was allowed? Those were they day's weren't they?

I didn't accuse you of anything. I was interested in whether your feelings towards him were in anyway influenced by his message. I'm sorry if a simple question caused offence.

ClubMan said:

I didn't realise that by expressing an preference I would be the subject of a scientific vivisection style laboratory study. I must bear that in mind next time I express an opinion in one of these threads.

Now you know how all those poor posters who are subject to your forensic analysis feel!
